View Full Version : Strange large long lump

10-05-11, 10:46

I noticed when I was standing up that I have a strange large long lump from my breast area to my stomach, when I lay down I can not feel it. When I stand up it is also hard to find but I am sure it is there. Its like a long tube shape...does not hurt. Very hard to see as I am extremly over weight.

Any ideas, dare not google it.


10-05-11, 16:16
I am thinking now it might be a hernia??

10-05-11, 16:54
Hi ..I was thinking the same ..Do you get digestive probs at all ? /Would be worth going to the Dr .If it is a Hernia it can be repaired by a keyhole procedure .I also have a hernia in the same area ,but it only sticks out when I get into a certain position when it then pops out .I have to lay down then for it to go back in .Ive had it for years and because its not a major problem I havnt needed a repair job .Hope you get it sorted ..Sue x

10-05-11, 18:15
This might sound really stupid, but are you sure its not your rib? I once confused my spare rib for an extra boob.

11-05-11, 07:57
Hi, thanks for the replies. It is not a hard lump very soft and I cant always feel it. You can only feel it if you move your hand one side to the other, it seems to be the length from the breastbone down to my stomach.

11-05-11, 13:05
Oh...its just cause my rib swelled up when I bashed it once, but your lump is verticle, so clearly not a rib. Sorry can't help you!

11-05-11, 16:49
Hi PanchoGoz, thanks anyway I appreciate any ideas or help. Went to the doctors this afternoon and he says it is part of my body and nothing to worry about. I have a great doctor who understands my anxiety.