View Full Version : Fustrated and anxious and low

10-05-11, 10:55
Hi everyone!

Well three months ago i picked a nasty case of flu. Since then its affected my ears and got a nasty sinus infection. it affects my balance and really hurts. seen dr many times, still on antibiotics.
The dizziness has borught on panic attacks and i just feel so low and anxious all the time coz i want to go back to work ( ilove my job, auxillary nurse) and the gym. ive lost 2 stone and still have another 2 to go and when i was losing the weight. ght i felt soooo happy, the exercise made me feel so good, i desperatly want that back. but this morning my face is red and swollen and i feel rubbish. .
Im proud of being more in control when i do have the panic attacks but now i have nightmares intead, im terrified my husband will leave me, he says he never will but i feel he deserves better than me sometimes.
Sorry about the rant, i have the most amazing husband who supports me but i dont want to be down on him all the time and i dont trust anyone else so have no one else to turn to

10-05-11, 11:31
Hey Kate, have you tried a neti pot? I've not tried it myself, but I've been told by many other people that it really helped with their sinus problems.

Can you try some yoga/dynamic stretching that is not as high impact but will keep you moving and active?

I find that telling my husband the second I'm feeling panicky and talking it through helps me from having full blown anxiety attacks more often than not.

Best of luck!

paula lynne
10-05-11, 11:52
Hi Kate, sorry you are still suffering. Try massaging the sinus are gently, it often helps to relieve the built up pressure and tension. Be gentle and kind to yourself, concentrate on taking it easy, once you are fully well, you can get back on track with the weight loss. Well done on losing 2 stone, thats a great achievement!:yesyes:
Take, care, Paula x