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View Full Version : Help please - making myself feel I am about to have a stroke etc

10-05-11, 11:30
Hi everyone,

I have had a stressful day, and I have got myself convinced I am about to have a stroke.

I have a kind of pressure on one side of my face/head (which could be my sinus' ) but before I was talking to my husband and I have convinced myself that I slurred a word (who knows if I did or not, he didn't notice anything but you know how you seem to convince yourself of something).

Please, someone assure me I will be ok!

10-05-11, 11:39
Hey Sam,

I used to get pressure in the side of my face and head alllll the time. I'm not exaggerating. It's a massive symptom of anxiety. And remember, if you're really worried about it, it may just be your anxiety causing you to slur your words. I am sure that you are absolutely fine.


paula lynne
10-05-11, 11:45
Hi Sam, after a stressful day, its no wonder you feel more anxiety than usual. The pressure is more likely to be connected to your sinus issues. Try massaging the sinus area in gentle circular movements. That ole anxiety is a sly beast, and its taking advantage of you because you are stressed out. Hope you feel better soon, put it to the back of your mind and have a great rest of the day!

Take care, Paula x:)

10-05-11, 14:09
One of the very useful bits of health advice in the UK about stroke is this, and the use the acronym FAST:

Face - has one side of it dropped? (could be round the mouth or eye, but it would be very noticeable)
Arms - can you raise them both equally from by your sides?
Speech - is your speech slurring badly? (not just the odd word)
Get Treatment if any of these symptoms have come on quickly

Hope this helps.