View Full Version : Worried now

10-05-11, 13:19
hi ive been suffering with anxiety for 7yrs now and i had to go and see gp yet again this morning because of the way im feeling and i broke down in tears again to her because i had my last session with cbt therpist yesterday and she told me that she cant do much more for me now as even tho ive got GAD the HA i have she cant really help with that because for the last 2mnths my HA has been really bad and i have been to my gp loads of times over it she told me that because i keep worrieing about my health i will end up with some something seriosly wrong with me because she says i will bring it on thro worrie and it made more anxiouse afterwards because now i think that its going to happen cause i keep worring about my health and now my gp has referd me to a psychiatrist because of the way i am and cause its been going to long now has any one else been referd and is this the normal thing gps do any advice would be grateful please

10-05-11, 17:21
hi Tricia I'm sorry you're feeling so troubled anxiety is such a horrible disorder. Psychiatrists deal with medication, making sure you're getting the right one for you and making changes if necessary. CBT obviously isn't working for you so if you go to a psychiatrist who might suggest some medications which will help you to get in a better place where you can maybe make more progress with CBT techniques or perhaps CBT just won't work for you and you have to try something else, another therapy. But if you get some medication then maybe you'll be in a more calm state so that whatever therapy you get will be more effective

10-05-11, 18:30
hi tricia56, It sounds to me as if you've got a really good doctor and they're recommending further help as CBT just wasn't for you. It's not unusual for CBT not to work.....so keep on in there....you're on the right road :hugs:x

10-05-11, 18:50
Hi Tricia,
I think going to see a psyhiatrist is a ver good idea.
I hope you are not kept waiting long for an appoinment
Best Wishes:hugs:

10-05-11, 20:16
Thank you all for geting back to me i was starting to think that i am going mad or got something really mentaly wrong with me