View Full Version : Please help

10-05-11, 13:34
Hello too everyone. I've not posted in a while but I've got such a bad new symptom come on about two weeks ago I just really need some advice. It's hard too describe the only way I can put it is like an echo in my head whenever I talk too someone then it goes quiet I can hear the last thing they said reapeating in my head in there voice for about five minutes after it's really panacing me it's happening all day long it also happens when I hear music or a jinggle aswell it's so wiered and makeing me feel scitzo which is my biggest fear. I don't hear any diffrent voices it has too be something I've just heard. I've started seeing a phyciatrist who has asured me I'm not scitzo but this has been happenig since. I'm up too my neck in stress and have been for a long time so I'm used too all the usual symptoms racing heart sweating depersonalization raceing thoughts mind chatter and everything else I can deal with but this is horrible please somebody say they can relate too this it's really geting too me thanks

10-05-11, 15:49
No else then?

10-05-11, 16:07
dom the only thing i can say kinda similar is when im really bad and speak to someone im sometimes not sure if i have actually said something or not ?? does that make sense to you ? i think its all the anxiety playing tricks on us and try to ignore it easier said than done tho. hope you feel better soon p.s do you take any meds? i always said i wouldnt but have changed my opinion now take care x

10-05-11, 16:09
p.s again, have you tried reading the topics on the left hand side i found them really useful and put a lot of my worries at ease . tc x

10-05-11, 17:32
Thanks for your reply doctors tryed putting me on anti depressants a few times tryed a couple but they tend too hype me up and not do much else thanks again

10-05-11, 18:09
If you have symptoms in you head, like hearing voices play back, your name being heard, repetetive music or anything like that, I can reassure it is normal. A psychiatrist once said that all things in your mind are normal, and nothing in your mind can be judged as out of the ordinary. The only thing that can be considered not normal is if your are following strange orders from your mind or tlking to yourself or showing mental symptoms.
Repetetive sounds/voices/echoes are your mind trying to sort things out in there because you are stressed. Could also be because you are over analysing your words?
I often hear sounds and voices playing back in slow motion in my head it really freaks me out. Don't let it get to you and it should dissapear. Best of luck.

10-05-11, 19:36
Any of the symptoms experienced because of anxiety don't feel 'normal' - and knowing you have been up to your eyeballs in stress it's another 'abnormal' feeling.. our minds are so complex, and like the person above said -it's no doubt trying to sort out thoughts, just trying to deal with things. It's a symptom, and the psychiatrist would have told you if there was anything more to worry about! (they've seen it all)
I really hope this time of such stress passes soon, bless you.