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View Full Version : IBS ..or is it?

10-05-11, 14:06
Hi all Im new to this site!
Ive had such a bad couple of weeks, it started off with my period being 17 days late, by the second week i was scared i was pregnant, (im not ready for another baby just yet) and then started to get back ache and belly pain, this pain was like i was in labour! also i kept wanting to go to the loo for a number 2. I actually went to A&E because i was so uncomfortable with the pain, paracetamol just wasn't working!

they said its IBS and if i have the same pain in the morning go to my gp, so I did...and the gp said to me its too early to be diagnosed with ibs carry on with paracetamol it may be a upset tummy.

but i couldn't cope, so i went to another gp a couple days later and they prescribed with mebeverine tablets, i take 1 three times a day and by the 4th day of taking them the cramps have gone, the weird thing was the pain would only come 9pm... (this was before taking the tablets) i don't think food has triggered it, just the stress from thinking i was pregnant.

the pain sometimes feels like trapped wind..and i have been releasing wind alot more then usual.

mebeverine is meant to stop diarrhea..and tummy spasms i didn't have diarrhea before taking the tablets but now im taking the tablets im having it.. everytime i have a meal 30 mins after i have to rush to the toilet. its horrible.
then i have my health anxiety thinking its not ibs and i have a deathly illness, im so down about it all..theres so many thoughts going through my head..cancer being the main one.. and im so worried even tho the gps and doctors i have seen are not worried! They have checked my belly, poking and pushing etc.and they say im fine and its IBS. its only been going on for 2 weeks, is anyone else going through the same as me? :(

11-05-11, 11:48
theres been 46 views can no one relate?x

11-05-11, 12:00
I can totally relate. See my post today. xxx

Princess Sparkle
11-05-11, 15:10
Hi MissSunshine - welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of support here and that others will be able to relate to your experiences and maybe reassure you a little bit! :)

I think it's a really good sign that you have been checked out by a doctor at A&E and by your GP. If they've done an examination and found nothing wrong so far, then hopefully that should reassure you a little. The fact that the mebeverine helped with your pain is, I'd imagine, also a good sign. From what I know about mebeverine, it helps to relax your muscles to stop tummy pain, so it's obviously doing its job. The fact that you've needed to run to the loo at lot since taking the mebeverine could maybe be down to the fact that your muscles have relaxed so your stools are passing through more easily?

It's possible that the pain you described initially could be done to wind. I've had some terrible wind pains in the past - both in my stomach and around my back - and a member of my family actually passed out once from a bad wind pain. If you're letting the wind out, that's good - better than having it trapped inside!

I've been suffering with what I think might be IBS and saw my GP the other day. She has arranged for me to have a blood test to check for any other conditions that might be causing my problem - I believe that is the first step towards diagnosing IBS, so maybe you could go back to your GP and ask for a blood test? As your GP said, it's too early for them to diagnose IBS yet without getting further information, so this would be the first step.

Also, take a look at the really helpful No More Panic article about IBS, if you haven't done so already - I found it really useful. IBS is linked to stress and anxiety, so the other things you need to try to do is relax (it's difficult, I know!) as by getting anxious you could be tensing your stomach muscles up and making things worse.

I do hope this helps. Try not to worry too much - I think in these sort of situations, IBS is always the most likely culprit! Hope you feel a bit better soon!


13-05-11, 16:58
hi i too suffered like this for three years then i got a doctor who done a blood test for a thyriod and for helicabactor and found i had both they are not life threatning so dont worry but do give you constant stumach pains and lots of bowel problems encluding running to the loo a lot get these test after you get the right medicine it takes it away haveing a baby can knock your thyroid off but easily fixed with a pill dont go through the hell of living with it for three years i to had all those thoughts you have and took ibs tablets i didnt need for a full year and the didnt help they wont help what you havent got get the blood test could be the best thing you ever do insite they give you the test hope this helps thought are with you i know what you are going through :hugs:

14-05-11, 08:38
The problem with IBS is that it is normally only properly diagnosed after all investigative tests have been completed and proven negative.

I'm not a Doctor but fail to see how a concrete diagnosis can be given just by poking around. Occasionally, if a Doctor prescribes medication for IBS and the symptoms consequently go away, then that's good. But in my case, no amount of pills would help my problem. It was only after a load of further investigations were performed (taking several months) that IBS was presumed to be the reason for my discomfort.

Also, diet can play a major factor in this as well. I appear to be more comfortable by following a lactose free diet than if I drink ordinary milk.

Like you, I have been to A and E on many occasions with the pain and all blood test etc have shown nothing. The problem is that IBS can mimick so many problems which seem very serious but fortunately are not.


15-05-11, 13:19
Hi, thank you everyone for your replies, I have been offline and it was a great comfort to come back and read all your advice.
Thankfully these tablets have worked and I have no cramps and back pain, and even better im eating! and alot too!! I am hungry all day, im making up for lost time! I am very constipated tho, I know these tablets are meant to slow down bowel movements but in the last 5 days ive been a couple of times, not good! however thanks for your help :)

15-05-11, 15:50
You may find that eating Linseeds will help with the constipation.
Be sure to drink plenty of water if you do have them.