View Full Version : Weird anxiety during my sleep

10-05-11, 14:30
I have been an on/off sufferer for quite some years but just recently I have had bad anxiety attacks in my sleep and wanted to know if anyone else experiences this, during the day I'm fine, healthy, lifting weights, climbing etc. It's really just the night time...

This is not in order but just the collection of sensations...

*Heart pounding at break neck speed so that if I lie on my front I can hear it through the bed.

*Weird and/or disturbing thoughts that I can't tell at the time whether they are real or not.

*Head and/or face and neck tingling and feeling numb, sometimes same in arms and legs. Sometimes if I get out of bed my legs feel numb and heavy but totally fine by the morning.

*Feel shaky/trembling inside and often like I am going to pass out but never do. If I put my hand out though it is not shaking

* When it happened last night I checked my face in the mirror just in case I'd had a stroke (does that sound mad?).

* I'm wondering if during the night because I'm not really moving the adrenaline doesn't get used up and feels twice as worse as during the day if I get anxiety.:)

paula lynne
10-05-11, 14:37
Hi Grovner, it happened to me several times when my anxiety was at its peak. I lived, breathed, and dreamed anxiety. Its immensley frightening to wake up in the middle of a full blown attack. It just goes to show how deeply anxiety and panic is deeply entrenched in our sub-concious.

I noticed something a few years ago, I wonder if you can relate. I began my recovery from agoraphobia, and started swimming, walking, and generally doing much more. My days were full, and I was reasonably active. However, it was at REST that the adrenaline kicked in. Sometimes, it was during my dinner, sometimes in the bath, often when going to sleep, and sometimes during the night and it woke me up.

You are not going mad, I think night time waking is quite common.:mad:
Best wishes, Paula x

10-05-11, 18:49
Thank you Paula. :)

10-05-11, 19:50
Hi There

I used to get exactly the same as you especially as i was just drifting off into sleep, my heart would start and it would feel like if i feel asleep i wouldnt wake up so i would jolt awake, really weird but only ever started at night. Used to be the only time i suffered but know its mutated into something completely different, but i do know where your coming from.

i used to fing reading till i fell asleep helped alot as you had something else to think about. Its worth a try :)