View Full Version : Hi from London

10-05-11, 16:10
Well, I do not know where to begin, I found this site the other day - I was having palpatations all evening and I was feeling very tense, so I googled palpatations... which to be honest is probably the wrong thing to do because then the old ' you think your dying ' routine kicks in. But I found the advice on here brilliant so here I am.
Im 25. I started having really bad anxiety attacks in the September after I left Uni, I had just started a really really rubbish job and I think I was putting a lot of pressure on myself because I had not got a job in the creative industry, and I felt like a failure. I am still battling on with this now, but I am doing something about it. I am currently trying to create a portfolio of work and have bought a domain name so that once I have finished all my work I can show this online.
The weird thing about my anxiety is - it changes. Everytime I feel like I am used to to odd heartbeat, something else happens like - light headedness, legs going hot, convulsions when trying to go to sleep. Pounding heart. Feeling really short of breath. Pains in arms and shoulder.
I have had all the tests at the hospital - I dont take any medications - I took beta blockers before (bloody awful). Luckily I have a partner who understands and helps me, this is good, but I feel like my anxiety does hinder me sometimes. I find that if I have a good few drinks on a weekend, then the palpatations are worse the next day, so I try not to drink as much, and have soft drinks inbetween.
I was reffered to a psychologist at my local hospital and she showed me relaxation techniques where you tense parts of your body and release them. I actually find this helpful and I must admit I use this everyday.
I beat myself up a lot about it, my biggest wish is to be 'normal' like everyone else, but I have found that a lot of people are in the same boat as me.
Even as I write this I am having sensations in my chest, it feels different again to other times it feels like the muscles are contracting in the middle of my chest. - I am actually on day 2 of not smoking also.
Anyway thats me in a nutshell. Nice to meet you all.

10-05-11, 16:12
Hi Worryaboutworrying

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
10-05-11, 16:22
Welcome aboard, its great to have you with us. You will find lots of support here and get some great help and advice. Best wishes, Paula x

10-05-11, 16:27
Thank you! It's nice to be able to vent to people that aren't in my personal life, sometimes I feel like a burden with my partner, but he's brilliant. :blush:

paula lynne
10-05-11, 16:35
I feel the same about my poor hubby bless him! You vent away...its cathartic! x:D