View Full Version : Lump on leg now - sarcoma

10-05-11, 16:34
I am so scared. I posted before about 2 lymph nodes I can feel in my neck. One at the bottom and one about half way up on the right side. Yesterday I noticed that I have a lump on my left leg on the shin a couple of inches below my knee. It feels soft. I am 25 weeks pregnant. I googled and sarcoma came up which it says is a soft tissue cancer. I am terrified now incase the lymph nodes are related :weep:. Please help me

10-05-11, 18:01
honestly sounds to me that youve maybe bumped it and not realised hunni ive had these sort of bumps before xx

10-05-11, 22:27
Not sure if this will help, but last year I noticed a big lump on the back of my forearm, just below the elbow. I was in a right panic for a few days, but it went away. Seems I had banged it an not even registered that I had! It can happen. Try not to worry. X

11-05-11, 11:17
Thanks for your help. I have def not bumped it as its not sore at all or like a bruise. It feels quite soft. I cant stop checking it and worrying about cancer especially as I have two lymph nodes in my neck which I can feel :weep:. Thanks again for your help x

11-05-11, 11:46
Sunflower you must stop this and see a doctor. Believe what the doctor tells you. You will go into a downward spiral if you can't get a grip on this self checking behaviour.

11-05-11, 15:13
Mohc - You are right. The constant checking is fuelling my anxiety but I am finding it so hard to stop. I am waiting for an ultrasound on my neck but will prob have to wait a few more weeks. I have also been waiting for CBT for over a year. The Doctor told them I am pregnant but I am still waiting on an appointment. I just keep convincing myself I have cancer :weep:. When the Doctor felt the lymph node at the bottom of my neck near my shoulder she said it felt ok but also said 'its a strange place to have one' which I cant stop thinking about.