View Full Version : Just curious

10-05-11, 16:56
With all these similar symptoms we have,is there anybody that came back here in this site and posted that what they really had is some serious illness or something? Just wondering..thank you

10-05-11, 18:03
That is a question I also wanted to ask, but slightly different, as the constant fear of illness, always of course serious, never 'jus a problem' if this is hard to cope with, and lets be honest it can be so very hard at times, how on earth do people who one day ARE diagnosed with the 'fear' of what ever cope ?.
My Dad didnt have HA, He did die last year with Cancer though, he was so brave, at the end he got annoyed with it and a bit snappy etc, but all through diagnosis and treatment even when he knew there was little time, he seemed to be brave and didnt worry , I looked at him and felt very very guilty is the only word I can use, I had all the fear and worry all the anxiety yes he had it , he was ill.
How do people with HA like us ever deal with REAL ( I know HA IS real but you know what I mean) serious illness ? I asked my Doc once " how will I ever cope if one day it IS real?" she said people cope and people fight and if EVER she says " yes this time it is ( what ever I am seeing her for that week) real, I will manage" perasonaly I cant see it.
Some people though must surely .

10-05-11, 18:11
Well at least we are "trained" incase the real thing comes up lol :) and we'll finally know the diff. :)

10-05-11, 18:13
If anyone posted it turned out they were very ill, they would be a very cruel person! That would scare the pants off all the HA sufferrers! I doubt any of the symptoms mentioned would have developed into anything, and if anyone on a thread sees the symtpoms are worthy of a refferral, they usually (or really should) advise the person to see a doctor, not an anxiety forum

10-05-11, 18:40
This is the question that haunts me ............one day it will be physical illness that may be incurable . the odds get higher the older you get so am being realistic that it could happen . it scares me so badly as it does us all.
my work involved cancer care and so I witnessed those who got the diagnosis with anxiety and those without .
first off is devastation for all obviously .............but what does give me a bit courage is the fact that somehow our brains and minds do seem to accept eventually ......no-one lost it or did the unmentionable .........somehow and I so hope this is true hope always prevailed and people fought the illness the same really. so guess I am thinking that our minds protect us somehow.
just my observations mind xx

11-05-11, 07:34
Statistics mean most of us will or know someone who will have a serious illness and to think anything else is naive. I don't ever want to feel it will be me, at the moment it is my mum, last year my daughter was in and out of hospital and having anaesthetic(sp) but we got thru, i am a great believer that you do get thru, after all what else would you do, stand and scream and refuse to believe?