View Full Version : Hi I am new and need reassurance

10-05-11, 19:13
Hi everyone, I have been suffering from panic attacks and irrational feelings and thoughts for the past 7 years, the doctor has prescribed my Citapram, I have been reading all the posts and am quite concerned about the side effects!! can anyone please reassure me!! many thanks

10-05-11, 19:15
Hi Cwesty

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-05-11, 19:18
Hi Cwesty, I was on Citalopram for approx 4yrs. Initially I had vivid dreams. But other than that, once I was on the right dose for my depression/anxiety everything was fine. I've found this site a brill help, more than words can say. I'm sure you'll get loads of support here. All the best and welcome :hugs:x

10-05-11, 19:25
Hi Thank you so much, I have just read a few daunting side effects and it scares the hell out of me!! it's always a ''what if'' you know what I mean, what if this happens, what if that happens!!

10-05-11, 19:33
Hi Cwesty, I suppose if I'd googled side effects I would have been the same. But I felt in such a bad way I was willing to go down the med route along with 'counselling'.....and luckily I didn't google. Sometimes we take more note of the negatives when we're not feeling right. Try to look on the positive. When you start meds the doc usually sees you quite frequently just to see how things are going. x

10-05-11, 19:39
yes your right, thanks for the positivity, can i ask... would you say you are back to your self after taking this drug? its just that while i am in this state of mind i just cannot see myself getting over my phobias, although i pray to god i do with this citropram

10-05-11, 19:46
Cwesty, I'm not back to old self....I'm much better than I could have imagined! It was a journey but not as hard as you think. x