View Full Version : New member's first post

10-05-11, 20:58

This is my first day on here, and I'm hoping this will be a helpfultool for me. I'll do anything to simply feel better at this point.

My journey into the world of anxiety/panic started about 10 years ago when I found myself constantly going to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack and/or dying. This feeling would come out of nowhere, even in times of total relaxation, like during a camping trip or at the movies. I had been to the hospital so many times and told I was perfectly healthy. I knew something was wrong, but everyone just thought I was crazy. Finally a change in my family doctor brought some answers...social anxiety disorder and panic atacks. My doctor told me that I'm not crazy, and put me on Paxil. I didn't take it for very long because I feared the side effects. I then met someone ( who is now my wife) and while I still had a few panic attacks at first, my symptoms just simply went away and I hadnt had a problem again until recently.

Now I've always been a worrier, and I'm the type of person that likes to have everything planned out and orgainized, but never in an obsessive manner. Over the past 10 years I have had moments of anxiety, but nothing like I remember those panic attacks to be. Now suddenly out of nowhere, in the past couple of months, my anxiety and panic has come back in full force. I used to feel perfectly fine and then have a panic attack out of nowhere, but now I feel horrible all day, everyday, with panic attacks thrown in for good measure. In the past 6 months or so I've done more to better my health than I've probably done in my whole life. I went 3 years dealing with untreated severe sleep apnea. I get a wonderful full nights sleep with a CPAP machine. I smoked cigarettes for over 20 years. I now havent had one in 2 months and dont miss them one bit. I started taking a mutlivitamin everyday. I should be feeling better than I ever have. Yet I feel the worst Ive ever felt in my life. This constant 24/7 of not feeling well all started when I quit smoking, even though I didnt struggle with quitting at all. Coincidence? My doctor put me on 12.5 mg Paxil which I took for 3 weeks and last week it was increased to 25mg. The 12.5 mg seemed to have no effect, and since I've been taking the 25mg I feel even worse. I feel shaky and nervous all day. My eyes are very sensitive and teary and arent focusing right. I have moments of panic that are so bad that I feel like Im going to freak out and lose my mind. I am so exhausted and frustrated with how I feel. I dont understand why this is happening. There is nothing bothering me. I should be feeling great. instead I get upset around my 2 beautiful little girls because I feel so horrible. We are going to Disney in a little over a month and I am scared to death that I am going to ruin this first time trip for my family. Help me please!

10-05-11, 20:59
Hi Pezkiz

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes