View Full Version : Bleeding After Sex !!

11-05-11, 08:04
Hi there, new worry !!! LOL !
On saturday I performed my wifely duties shall we say, after many months !!
The day after i experienced some light bleeding , just the once on the toilet paper. Of course i freaked out and trotted off to my doctor. She arranged for an ultrasound scan, which was normal apart from a couple of small cysts on my ovary which the doctor has said not to worry about. I can't have my smear test until next monday as she said she needed to wait a week. I have always had my smears on time and they have been normal, the next one is due next feb. Right now i am totally freaking out. Any advice please ? xxx

11-05-11, 09:10
From the stuff I've read about it, the statistics show that the huge majority of badly abnormal smears occur in people who have never had a test before, or who have gone many years without having one. It's therefore pretty unusual to have a very abnormal one suddenly if you attend regularly, as the gap between screening means that if changes are picked up, they're mild and very easy to treat.

Obviously I'm not a medic, but I would have thought that the most likely cause for the bit of blood was because you haven't used that bit of your anatomy for a while and it was a bit sore!! :)

11-05-11, 10:00
I think I replied to your previous post - I totally understand you freaking out as I did when I had this 10 years ago. I explained what caused it in my last post so won't repeat it all again.

Are you in your late 30's by any chance??

The fact your ultrasound was okay says a huge amount that this is very very unlikely to be caused by anything sinister.
I saw a gyny who did a colposcopy where they stain your cervix and scrape a few cells off which completely rules out cervical cancer. Maybe ask your Dr to refer you to gyny to put your mind completely at rest.

The worst thing is that you can develop a fear of your wifely duties:) if you bleed afterwards, once I had had the colposcopy I could ignore the slight bleeding - I had it on and off for about 6 months then it stopped.

11-05-11, 17:02
Thanks for your replies xx
Countrygirl : I am 41 x
Just can't get this fear of doom and gloom out of my head. Will be glad when the smear test is done xxx

11-05-11, 19:59
I have this loads! I have also worried about it. Mine was due to a cecival erosion which is very common. You are getting all the right checks though and the fact that the ultra sound was clear is good.