View Full Version : I feel fine so why am i so anxious about my health?

11-05-11, 08:15
As the title says really, i feel ok, i dont have any worrying symptoms of anything, i dont have any health complaints, i feel ok, i dont feel poorly and surely if i was dying i would feel poorly wouldnt i?!

Soooo why am i anxious about my health?! why do i keep worrying about dying or having some silent disease?! :mad:

In myself i know i am ok, i dont feel poorly so why am i anxious all the time about it! its as though my mind is willing me to be poorly!! then i get anxious that if i keep thinking im poorly i will be! :weep:

anyone feel like this?

11-05-11, 13:11

11-05-11, 13:32
Hi Jen...

I know its hard but you must try and take advantage of this 'good health' feeling and try and concentrate on that. Thinking negative and willing yourself to be bad can only lead in one direction...and that will be as soon as you do have a little innocent twinge you'll be convinced you've got something and had something terrible all along.

Yes you might have a silent disease...So might I, so might every other member of this forum. The same as we all might go out this afternoon and get run over by a bus. Either way you won't see either coming. So don't worry about something that the law of averages says may never, ever happen!

So try and focus on the good...be positive. The sun is shinning, summer is coming and all is going to be well! :shades: :yesyes: