View Full Version : Scared of a brain tumor AGAIN :/

11-05-11, 10:03
Hi everyone. I haven't wrote on this site for a while now as i managed to get a grip on my anxiety but after experiencing dizziness and nausea for a few weeks i'm back :( Iv'e been feeling really ill and weird for a few weeks and this morning i woke up with blood on my face as i'd had a nose bleed. I get them very rarely and i'm hoping it was just a coincidence. My stomach is constantly churning and i feel so sick. Plus every few minutes my head starts spinning! I feel so faint and don't know that to do. I'm very stressed at the moment could some of this be due to that? plus I'm so tired. I'm too scared to get an appointment with the doctor. Please help me x

11-05-11, 10:31
Hi Hannah,

Sorry to hear you are feeling bad at the moment. I can totally relate to how you are feeling, the dizziness is driving me crazy.
It does sound as if it could be down to you being very stressed out and also tired, my anxiety is always worse when I get stressed.
I'm sure it's not a brain tumour, I had convinced myself that I had a brain tumour for the last couple of weeks, it was only when I read through the other posts on here about fears of brain tumours that I realised it was all down to the anxiety.
I'm scrared of going to the docs too, ever since the diagnosis of anxiety came about everything that is wrong with me is down to my anxiety, makes a change from a viral infection though!!
Just wanted to send you a :hugs:and let you know you are not alone.

Take care of yourself. Xxx

11-05-11, 10:44
hi hannah,

well my enxiety presents usually as dizziness, convinced ill faint and feeling quite tired and weak. My stomach also churns.
For years i had nose bleeds until i had it cauterized but it usually turns out just a weak blood vessell in the nose and things like sinus pressure, heat and even just knocking it can cause a nose bleed.
I know how scary it is, but hang in there. im gradually learning to controll the dizziness and panic, i guess i almost give myself a mental talking to and try to ground myself. the good news is that after many many episodes i have never fainted! and i know you can do this!
take care xxx

13-05-11, 07:31
Thank you both so much for responding! It has helped a lot! Just got to try not to fall back into old habits and just believe this is a virus not a brain tumor :p x x