View Full Version : Anyone else experienced this?

11-05-11, 11:09
Hi, this is my first post so I hope I have come to the right forum :)

My doctor has reassured me that the symptoms I have are panic attacks but I want some "real-life" reassurance.

I can be sat at my desk at work feeling fine and then suddenly my legs / hands go ever so slightly numb and then I start to feel dizzy. I get a stiff neck, trouble swallowing, my ears hurt, my eyes go a tiny bit blurry and I can't concentrate. Usually sitting in the bathroom on my own for a while makes me feel fine but there have been a couple of occasions where I have had to go home as I've been visibly shaking and feel like I'm about to pass out at any moment. Spending some time in a dark room fixes all of this.

I think that it's related to hayfever as it only seems to happen in the spring / summer months. I haven't had any of these attacks for the last couple of years but I'm having one at the moment. I'm my own worst enemy as I immediately start thinking it's some major medical emergency that needs immediate hospitalisation.

I'm sure it's panic / anxiety as just writing it out on here is calming me down.

Anyone else been in the same place? Any tips for dealing with it or avoiding it altogether?

paula lynne
11-05-11, 11:25
Hi, welcome aboard, great to have you with us. It does sound like anxiety. I have hayfever at the mo too, and it definately exacerbates the symptoms. Reading up about panic and anxiety in the left hand column is a great place to start.
Best wishes, Paula x

12-05-11, 21:11
Most definately panic. A couple of years ago I was convinced I was seriously ill. It was a really hot summer but I was freezing cold and experiencing most of the symptoms you describe. Two years on I am alot better and I can see that it was anxiety/panic that was causing the symptoms, and the constant worry cycle was just making it worse.
Hang in there panic can really make you feel that ill -hard to believe but having experienced it and on my way through the other side I can now understand it

12-05-11, 23:18
Same here.. The symptoms you list are almost identical to mine. I've had so many tests and all clear, in fact my doc said my bloods were amazing which i could not believe!!! The only thing that the doc wants to investigate is possible migraine because I was getting severe pains in my face...we'll see hoe that goes.
It's a long road however you can get through this. This website is excellent and learning to use the mind for positve is a major key!!! I'm constantly telling myself i'm amazing etc, very strange but does help. Only a month ago i was feeling like i didn't even have the right to walk down my own street!!! I am starting to realise that thoughts like this are not healthy even though i thought they were 'normal'!!!
sorry to go on good luck x