View Full Version : Is it normal to feel so down after two good days?

11-05-11, 12:25
Hey guys

Hope you are all doing ok.

My b/f is coming up to 5 weeks on Cipralex.

He has had two ok days Saturday and Sunday, and then Mon/Tues haven't been so good?

Monday he was extremely confused, no concentration, no short term memory. He contacted his CPN who spoke to the doctor and said to reduce back down the Clonazepam (he had increased it for 1 week) The doctor said it was def the Clonazepam making him feel like that. (I know anxiety can do this but he said it felt different)

The yesterday he woke very depressed and anxious.

Then today he has woke feeling very down and suicidal again, just wants to stay in bed. (He has got up and had a shower though)

Any idea's?


11-05-11, 14:17
Hi there

I'm slightly confused here - is your boyfriend taking both citalopram and clonazepam, as you've mentioned both drugs?

I'm not a medic, but I used to work in a hospital pharmacy so I know where to look things up. Poor concentration and confusion are side effects of both drugs, and are listed as some of the more common ones. I know from my own experiences with citalopram that increasing the dose can temporarily increase the side effects, but it tends to ease off again after a week or two.

Hope this helps.

11-05-11, 14:21
He is taking Escitalopram (not Citalopram, it's different) and Clonazepam yes.

I really hope it passes soon, he keeps saying he feels different, like something is changing him and he doesn't like it. Like not himself :(

Thank you for replying x

11-05-11, 14:24
You're welcome - if the suicidal thoughts persist, make sure you get in touch with his CPN or a doctor. Take care.

11-05-11, 15:32
I have felt complete crap but i blame the weather i know it sounds stupid but when we have sunny days then gloom i just feel unmotivated and shit. (i have no idea if the weather has changed for you so this may be no use at all sorry)