View Full Version : New on NMP. Have GAD and OCD. Hi!

Reg Sealey
11-05-11, 14:56
Hello to all. My name is Reg. I am going through one hell of a time at the moment. Had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 36 yrs (since age 13) and to add to it over the years my mental health has deteriorated. Recently separated from my wife who is bi-polar and I try my best to look after 2 kids. At the moment I am trying to switch from 40mg Citalopram to 20mg escitalopram. Also taking 8mg Diazepam for last 3 months. I've always been a fighter but at the moment I am at the lowest point of my life-so many real worries, so much possible catastrophy, if you know what I mean. Anyway a problem shared is a problem halved so they say!:scared15:

11-05-11, 14:57
Hi Reg Sealey

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
11-05-11, 15:35
Welcome Reg, its good to have you with us. This is a great forum and you will get lots of help and support. :welcome:
Paula x

Reg Sealey
11-05-11, 15:44
By the way I live in Reading, England:)

Reg Sealey
12-05-12, 17:08
Do you know of any groups, places in Reading where us GADS meet up?

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

Now on 60mg Paroxetine 10mg Diazepam and just started on 75mg once a day Pregabalin. Seems a bit of a strange thing for a starting dosage. Gave me a massive boost for a week then dropped back still having some effect but the fact of having one really good week then losing it is a bit of a let down.
Anyone any thoughts on my meds?

12-05-12, 19:24
Im from Reading, although not lived there for 15yrs now....
Im not on meds so cant help there im afraid,
but welcome ! and youll meet lots of friends here..

12-05-12, 20:06
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP Reg!


Reg Sealey
13-05-12, 20:07
Thanks for the welcomes. 10 days now on Pregabalin 75mg once a day. Slightly less anxious but very tired and feeling very down as I thought I'd found a great med for the first week.Gonna try and do another thread on how I get on and would be grateful for comments from others who've tried it. Told I can't increase dose for 2 weeks till I see psychiatrist again but this seems strange. Maybe because of my other meds (see first few posts). Will try annd change thread title to make it more appropriate. Nice to hear from anyone.:wacko: