View Full Version : Anxiety Attacks Before Going Out!

11-05-11, 15:09
I was just wondering if anyone else has this or experiences this!...

If im going out..i will have a horrible feeling of anxiety a proper big black cloud which feels inside my chest..and works into a headache..then i feel all teary! and then get angry at myself and stressed!! I know i will enjoy the event but i still have to go threw the motions..stressed..worried..tears..rage..feeling sick..feeling tired..

Breathing doesnt work. I just feel an unstable mess.

However if i fight threw this AWFUL feeling..it EVENTUALLY passes and i then begin to enjoy myself and forget it all!!..However the before feeling is enough to cancel. Its really tiring having to fight yourself on a daily basis just to do something..even if its something you enjoy! MAKES NO SENSE. :wacko:

Is there anyway to STOP the feeling..and skip to the enjoying it! :mad:

11-05-11, 15:23
Hi, I know exactly what you mean. Its a build up of apprehension that causes this and when the physical thing is carried out the mental anxiety is relieved, I know its horrible!

11-05-11, 15:50
I would like to be able to get excited like a normal person without the unhelpful thinking and automatic negatives! Im actually a really happy go lucky person..you wouldnt think it if you see me when im going threw one of these constant worry days!!

13-05-11, 17:55
I know EXACTLY how it feels. Its how i feel everytime i try to go for a night out. Doesnt matter if its friends, or random people, i seem to get it all the time. Starts with sickness and nausea, then i get palpatations, sweat, feel hot and flustered...

If i try fight it, i feel worse, up until the point im physically sick. My breathing goes mad and before i know it im just a mess. But a lot of the time, if i can get through the sickness phase, i can be alright. Its worse if i feel like theres no escaping from the situation, or if i feel that i cannot get to a toilet if i am sick.

Im off to see the doctor on tuesday to see if a course in CBT or tablets can help.