View Full Version : Ongoing Back Pain & Tummy Ache

Princess Sparkle
11-05-11, 15:25
Help! I've been suffering with what I (and my GP) think might be IBS for the past four weeks. Over the past five days, my 'IBS' symptoms seem to have calmed down a little (fingers crossed!) but I have developed new symptoms.

The first is a 'pulling' kind of pain in the right side of my stomach. I told my GP about this pain and she didn't seem concerned, but it has developed since I saw her and seems to have spread across my stomach and around my back. I'm still getting a pulling feeling in my right side, but sometimes also in my left side too.

My stomach feels very tight, like all the muscles there have tensed up. It is really uncomfortable, but not too painful. It's almost like the stomach is 'stretching' on the inside, if that makes any sense. I went for a walk today and, on the way home, my stomach started to really ache, like all the muscles were pulling and seizing up. It feels like I've done a lot of sit-ups, but I've done nothing to hurt it that I know of.

On top of that, I've also been getting an aching in my back. It started at the sides and has moved around the lower back and up below my shoulder blades. It's better when I'm standing but feels worse when sitting down or lying in bed.

I'm starting to get worried that there's something serious wrong! Could this be linked to my earlier symptoms or is this something else entirely? Does anyone else with IBS suffer from this sort of pain or from an aching back? I've had a lot of wind recently, but this doesn't feel like wind pain, more like muscular pain. Could it be I've hurt myself through going to the toilet a lot over the past few weeks?

If anyone could offer some advice, I'd be grateful. I have a blood test scheduled for Monday to investigate my IBS symptoms, and I don't really want to bother my GP again before then, but I'm getting worried and I know it'll be another week before the blood test results come through! :weep:

macc noodle
11-05-11, 15:49
Well, I can relate to all of these pains and sympathise with you completely :hugs:

My doc says anxiety and ibs - I am convince otherwise !! my bloods all came back fine - just awaiting ultrasound appt.

Chin up babe - we can't all be dying :D

11-05-11, 16:10
Hi - have a look at my post - I'll bump it up for you. It appears we all have IBS with similar pains?

11-05-11, 16:38
Hi Princess,

Sounds very much like tension brought on by anxiety to me...especially the lower back and shoulder pain. I can empathise with you on that one!

Princess Sparkle
11-05-11, 16:52
Chin up babe - we can't all be dying :D

True! :D

Thanks so much for your reply. I wouldn't even be worrying about these pains (well, not as much anyway!) if they hadn't followed all my other problems, but now I'm just waiting on that blood test and hoping I get better while I wait!

Princess Sparkle
11-05-11, 16:55
Sounds very much like tension brought on by anxiety to me...especially the lower back and shoulder pain. I can empathise with you on that one!

Thanks Taffy! :)

I don't feel too tense right now, especially now that my IBS symptoms have eased off a bit, but then I have been very anxious over the last few weeks, so maybe it's a build-up of tension and anxiety. I used to always get pains in my head and neck when I was tense, but my headaches have eased off a bit lately, so maybe the tension and anxiety are coming out in different ways!