View Full Version : full feeling in head when I stand up

11-05-11, 16:04
Does anybody get this feeling when you stand up quick, like all the blood is in your head and pounding? It feels like my head and ears are full and it really bothers me, especially with the constant low bussing in my left ear at night, coupled with the sound of my pulse really loud in my left ear.

11-05-11, 16:53
Yes this is just the blood rushing to your head when you stand up. Harmless, I get it a lot, I fell over a couple of times too when it happened.

12-05-11, 00:14
Is your blood pressure ok?

12-05-11, 10:01
Good point from Nicola - it might be that your blood pressure is on the low side. I take beta-blockers and have found that I have to take care when standing up quickly as my blood pressure is now pretty low.

12-05-11, 10:16
MY blood pressure is fine but as you may remember I was having a lot of worries with this buzzing in my ear? well, funnily enough, on Monday and last night it was gone-both nights when my partner has given me a massage AND/OR I have cried for my daughter. Maybe repressed grief. Still got a couple of headaches and twinges going on but since the anxiety never really leaves, am hoping it is that.:shrug: