View Full Version : mri results - update

11-05-11, 18:15
Not sure if my last posts will be remembered, but I was in a state about my mri results which had to be repeated to check on something they found in my neck. That was about 6 weeks ago and I saw the consultant yesterday. There has been a cock up and they hadn't requested my 2nd mri!so I have to wait another couple of weeks to get the scan done which means more sleepless nights and anxiety. I did get to talk properly to the consultant though and he let me read the results of the first scan. Basically the brain is all normal which is great, but they have seen "what appears to be a hemangioma" in the bone of my neck. At the end of the results it said another mri was needed to "confirm presence of hemangioma". It is in the bone of my neck (spine)and quite common to find on mri and is usually something you never even know you have unless have scans for something else as in my case!and it is nothing to worry about. Anyway I asked him why I had to have another scan if they thought it was a hemangioma and he said that when they did the first one they were looking at my ears so need to look more closely at the neck to confirm. I asked him if it could be a cancerous tumour and he said very unlikely as I have no symptoms but that they have to check! So I am feeling very scared and convincing myself that it won't be just the hemangioma and will be cancer. Anyone got any wise words?
Sarah x

11-05-11, 22:59
I know just how you feel as I had a mri of my thoracic spine 3 years ago and they found " what looks like a neurofibroma". I also needed a second mri with contrast to confirm it was a neurofibroma. I had the second scan and sure enough it was a neurofibroma and was told I had probably had it since birth and it was incidental finding. Mri gives alot of incidental findings:). I also have a cyst on my brain stem again found when scanning for something else - I had a follow up 2 yrs later and no change.
10 yrs ago I had what they thought were ms lesions in my brain and after 6 years and 2 follow up scans they said ah now we know that these are not ms lesions and loads of people have them.

So I know you will worry until you get results of second scan but believe me if they had any suspicion of anything cancerous you would have been in so quick your feet would not have touched the ground.

Let us know how you get on.

12-05-11, 08:07
Country girl
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me again. You have been a great support and always help to reassure me.
Sarah x

12-05-11, 09:12
I think the advice country girl gave was very good - but I am waiting for my MRI scan results and I am so nervous. My appointment is on Monday so two weeks within the date of the scan itself. I am meant to go and get petrol for my car - it is a 10 minute drive yet I am nervous about going - it seems the waiting and the fear my be bringing back my agoraphobia Grrrr.

Not much help I know but I understand about waiting and wondering game and it is pants! But it does sound like your's is nothing to worry about - I am sure you will be smiling soon x