View Full Version : Extreme Facial/Eye Pressure

11-05-11, 18:23
Hi all,

I've recently gone through a break up and my anxiety seems to be back in full force.

I am getting headaches, dizziness, and worst of all, the strangest sensation I've ever had - facial pressure behind my nose and eyes like someone is actually punching me repeatedly. It's not painful so to speak, just VERY unusual and apparent (almost like someone is squeezing my face from the inside out).

I'm extremely nervous about this and I can't take my mind off of it at all. I'm too scared to go to the emergency room because I was just there for a severe stomach virus. I have no clue what to do about this, and my family isn't being very receptive about the whole problem.

I had an MRI back in December of my head which showed everything as "Normal." Do you think something could happen in such a short time between now and then? It'd probably be super rare...

Anyway, has anyone else experienced this? Advice?

Thank you so much.

11-05-11, 20:14
Sounds like a sinus problem, have you ever had a sinus infection before? They aren't very pleasant.

11-05-11, 21:55
I went to an ENT the other day and he said my sinuses were clear. Im also getting a flushed or hot feeling in the face often.

11-05-11, 22:06
mmm this sounds similiar to me.. todya i got pain in eyes one worse and a feeling of grooggness in my head achey very tired and like id spent day crying. my nose on pbridge is sore and like someone is holding their hand tigtly on my face. its making me feel tiredx dehydration? stress?hayfever? xx i put mine to sinus xx

11-05-11, 22:37
how are your teeth? I assume the MRI would have showed up any teeth infections, wisdom teeth issues, TMJ, sinus problems?
I have all those problems , where your jaw joint is a bit off, can get stiff etc.. The TMJ can cause lots of symptoms, such as head pressure, numbness, dizziness because the joint is very close to your ear.
I get the face pressure due to jaw and wisdom teeth issues, I get pressure in my jaw too, it's hard to explain but at times the pressure is very intense.
Neck issues can cause a lot of these symptoms too, including chest pain if the muscles are way too tight, and head pressure and headaches.

11-05-11, 22:56
I get facial Pain & Pressure too. Sometimes very intense!

11-05-11, 23:02
I had pain behind my right eye and a headache a few weeks ago...it really worried me. It has since gone away and I've put it down to tension making my neck muscles tense and this refering pain up through my nerves to my head and behind my eyes. Its quite commom apparently.

12-05-11, 09:52
It could also be caused by tension in your neck and jaw. Often when we're stressed, we'll clamp our jaws together without realising it (I've done it myself many times) and it can end up being really painful.