View Full Version : how many posts are too much?

11-05-11, 18:35
Hi ,
just been thinking about this topic .and I dont mean starting a topic needing advice or support . I mean answering posts .
how much is too many? from previous forum life I have seen people attacked for being always about . so am aware that this does bother people and perhaps dilutes the words given .
Personally I love to see familiar names ..........feel warm and connected and feel I get to know the Voice of that person whatever is said .
can you become a forum pest? cos I dont want to be one but this post isnt about me ...just opinions would be enlightening . truthfully xx

macc noodle
11-05-11, 18:49
Hi Snowgoose - I love reading posts from those who post regularly like you.

I do, however, sometimes think that certain people post continously without taking any account of advice offered and assurances given by other people. Which I do understand that sometimes they are unable to help themselves due to their illness but it can be frustrating.

Sometimes I look at the posts and end up replying to 6 or 7 if I feel I have something to say or offer, other times I read posts and have nothing to add so say nothing!

11-05-11, 18:52
Snowgoose,I will tell you that it is always a pleasure to read your posts
I hope you will continue
I hope to have a new name soon:hugs:

11-05-11, 18:55
There are people who's posts I always look out for, Snowgoose you are one, and then there are others that I tend to ignore.

I think that if you offering sensible advice great, if you are coming back continiously asking the same question then no.

Hope that makes sense

11-05-11, 19:08
thank you Macnoodle,Elen and Nellie :hugs:
you too are ones I look out for always .

but honestly this post isnt about me .....just wondering how answering posts is viewed here if done on regular basis ?
I am on another forum [not anxiety related at all ] .google sadbugger .com ha!!

just someone there has been accused of being always there and been ridiculed for it . got me mad .....but thinking . x

11-05-11, 19:35
I am on another forum that has a relative few that post on most posts. Because I now what to expect from each of them I like it. I know who's posting I am likely to find interesting and who to avoid.

I have it when forums turn on people, in my mind the whole idea of a forum is for people to express their opinions.

Everyone does not have to agree but they do have to respect each others right to have their own opinion.


11-05-11, 21:40
I could say am most prob one of those people who will post & post most prob until i get the answers am looking for this is only on bad days cos if am having good days i don't really write anything but then there is days where i feel bad and i want to post something but i wont because i think people most prob are bored of my post as there most (well are) usually always about the same thing (stomach problems & anxiety) i hate the way i (we) all have to suffer but i do get some rest & reasurrance when i have posted even when no1 comments it still gives me that minute to get my troubles out x x

11-05-11, 21:47
hi snowgoose are you on about people that post new threads or people answering and replying to peoples posts.

i perosnally dont mind me either i think if you dont want to reply then simples dont lol
but i do think if you can offer advice no matter how many times then you should if it can help someone else and if your experince helps then is it really a bad thing? xxx

11-05-11, 21:52
hi snowgoose are you on about people that post new threads or people answering and replying to peoples posts.

i perosnally dont mind me either i think if you dont want to reply then simples dont lol
but i do think if you can offer advice no matter how many times then you should if it can help someone else and if your experince helps then is it really a bad thing? xxx

i agree if you can offer help and advice to some1 who s feeling down or suffering even if that person posts & posts i would help them in any way i could x

11-05-11, 21:58
Hi Honeypie and Scared stiff,:hugs:

think I have worded this badly :blush:.........I meant answering really. I so do not mean anyone who feels they need reassurance a lot .......hell it could well be me tomorrow . just wondering about answering really if I dont know what to say .......but have the time to do so . what the vibe of the forum is about this .

11-05-11, 22:02
answer deof it doenst matter how many times people come for support and sometimes just a nhug or a nod in you no how they feel makes a difference xx

11-05-11, 22:05
thank you :) x

12-05-11, 17:07
I have no problems with anyone starting or replying to as many posts as they like. Sometimes I feel for those who have started a thread who are desprate for advice, support or reassurance and no one has answered them...it must make the loneliness 10 times worse!

However I have seen a few posts were people are clearly not listening to the advice being offered..this is a little frustrating.

In my short time on this forum the help and support it has given me has been has been second to none and helped me through a rough few weeks. As most have said there are certain members names I look for more than others as I like the the natural of there comments and advice.

One in particular has helped me immensley...you know who you are. x :flowers:

12-05-11, 17:34
Personally I think that people would feel worse if no one responded... your answers may seem to fall on deaf ears at times ( part and package of our illness) but I would say never feel you are being a pest ... answers may not help some one straight away but a positive seed planted is always a good flower. x