View Full Version : Really anxious about informing GP I've changed address...

11-05-11, 20:23

I have depression/anxiety issues, and I've been going into overdrive recently, all related to something as simple as telling my doctors about a change of address! :ohmy::blush:

I've been registered at my currant GP surgery, ever since I was born, and I have a good relationship with my GP, who knows about my depression/anxiety problems. recently I have been referred to a consultant about a different issue, which is being investigated at the moment.

So, I moved house a few months ago, however I've been reluctant to tell my doctors so far, because, I have heard that, even though my new address is in the same town, telling the surgery may mean I have to register somewhere else. But I really don't want to do this, and I am feeling stressed. I am at my wits end really :blush: :unsure: Do I have the right to press that I want to remain a patient at the surgery I am registered at right now, and... will they listen to me and take me seriously?

I rang my mum about it earlier in a stress, and she said taking into account the years I've been registered, and my personal wishes to stay with a GP who I get on with and who knows about my case, the surgery should listen to me. Hmm... I'm really scared about going tomorrow after work, but I know I must give my correct address :unsure:

Does anyone have experience of this?

11-05-11, 21:58
dont no too much allthough i think they shouldnt object i you request to stay you been a patient a long time and if you explain to your docs i cant see it being a issuexx

11-05-11, 22:02
As long as you are within the catchment area for that practice you can stay with them.

11-05-11, 22:04
i moved out of the area were my doctors is and i changed my address with no problems :)

12-05-11, 04:02
Hi Budgie

As Nicola states, if it is still in their catchment it won't be a problem. If it isn't though then it is up to them whether or not they keep you as a patient. As you are in the same town, chances are you will be okay. Personally I would try and find out what their catchment is before you tell them anything. It will set your mind at rest if you know it will be okay, and if it isn't you can either make a special request to the surgery or choose not to tell them until it suits you.


12-05-11, 18:48
Hi guys, thanks for your replies :hugs:

I went to the surgery today and spoke with a helpful lady at reception. She told me that, although in the same town, my new house is out of their catchment area, however, I can request to stay with them. I have just written an e-mail to the practice manager explaining why I would like to stay a patient with them, so fingers crossed they will let me stay!

I do feel less anxious now that I have found out a bit more, although I just want to get a definitive answer, hehe!! :roflmao:

13-05-11, 03:17
I am scared to move house for that very reason! Let us know the outcome of this please, and good luck! :flowers:

16-05-11, 19:47
well, I have to find a new doctors :shrug:

The surgery contacted me the day after I wrote to them, and said they couldn't accept me anymore as they have a strict policy. I'm a bit gutted about this, but the thing that is worrying me more now is the thought that technically at the moment I am without a doctor :ohmy: I don't like the waiting I am doing to see if another surgery will accept me...

Its so confusing at the moment too, because, I'm not allowed to drive right now, due to some medical tests I'm having. I got forms from the DVLA to send my licence back to them, but I don't know what to put for my GP address! It is such a trivial thing in a sense, but my anxiety has been in overdrive about the whole thing :blush: