View Full Version : Sensations in chest all night

11-05-11, 21:48
I have been having sensations in my chest all night, like palpitations but different, I have tried to concentrate on my breathing, but it doesn't seem to work. I feel like I have hiccups in my chest if that makes sense?
I hate feeling like this. Does anyone else ever get this? :scared15:

11-05-11, 22:21
i have palpitations and on meds for it
when i am feeling anxious i do get a weird sensation in my chest that makes me think my palpitations are going to kick in, but they dont.

you should probably see a doctor about it if nothing else other than peace of mind. that alone would ease the anxiety

12-05-11, 07:13
i have this everynight at the moment im on beta blockers so i get up and take 1 in night ,your gp can help you with it its a horrible feeling hope it goes soon for you

12-05-11, 10:09
Thanks guys,

I was fine at work but for the past two nights on the way home I have been getting these sensations in my chest. - In my mind I am worrying about all the things I need to be doing and should have done and I think I am beating myself up a little bit.
I was watching a film last night to try and take my mind off it..which didn't work too well....I had a good cry, which helped!
Plus I was on day 3 of not smoking so maybe this had something to do with it.
Day 4 now of not smoking... I am feeling very pleased with myself even though I do keep nipping upstairs at work and eating Hershey chocolates that someone brought in from a recent trip to America... But you cant have it all. :whistles: