View Full Version : Woke up with dead arm & can't move it for 3 days

11-05-11, 22:02

I've been going to the gym a lot lately doing weights so it might be related to that but I cant be sure. Bare in mind its not becuase Im not used to the gym as I have been going for 2 years now. The last time I used the gym was on Friday last week. Fine all weekend then Monday morning I woke up and couldnt move my arm.

The pain is on the right arm between the shoulder and elbow, Sort of on the side of the bicep. I cant lift my arm at all. It has a dull ache there constantly all day from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. Its so much pain. I have used deep freeze/heat etc and nothing works.

If I slept on it bad would it still be hurting 3 days later?

I currently have a cold. Could it be related to that? Its not the typical muscle ache from a cold. I really cannot move my arm. It feels like I have been punched there really hard and it has gone dead. My hand also aches a little.

Could it be from too much of using the computer with my arm in the same position?

Really worried. Cant visit the doctor either as I am in Uni and we dont have one here and the one I am registered at is miles away.

Thanks for any advice

11-05-11, 22:03
maybe trapped nerve? xx does it feel sore when moving or dead arm like that is there not a walk in centre where ypu are that may be goo or always nhs direct they could give you advice on how to sort it xx

11-05-11, 22:15
Hi thanks for the fast reply.

It could very well be a trapped nerve, Didnt think of that. My uni is a small campus set off from the main one so theres nothing there really :( shame.

If I phone NHS direct will I speak to somebody or is it just a machine?

Thanks for the help :D

11-05-11, 22:32
Here we have Nurse line so you talk to a nurse, I think NHS has the same thing.
Yeah could be a trapped nerve, it's pretty common. Definitely get it checked out if it's not getting any better.
It could be a weak muscle due to lying on it at night, I get a mild version and takes a few days for my arm strength to come back to normal, or if I have been carrying a lot of heavy bags my arm might be weak and shaky for a few days too.