View Full Version : Diazepan and Alcohol

11-05-11, 22:08
Hey guys,

My name is James and I am new to these forums.

Basically I am terrified of flying and I have been invited to go to Malaga for my mate's stag weekend. My doc has given me 2mg of Diazepan to cope, however I was wondering what the period for abstinence from alcohol is with Diazepan?

As we are going to be drinking heavily the whole of the next day would it be wise to go easy. As it is my mate's stag I would like to let my hair down and drink a bit, however would it be safe to do this say 12 hours after having taken Diazepan?

Many thanks for your help.

James :)

11-05-11, 22:45
Hey the half life for that drug is 20 hours up to 100 hours to get it fully out of your system.
It's very dangerous to drink with sedatives because it can sedate you too much and thats not good. too much sedation will stop your breathing.
I suggest asking your doctor, as they would know better.
it's just that sedatives affect everyone differently so what works for one person may not work for you.

11-05-11, 23:03
You should be ok to drink as long as you don't overdo it too much. If you really want to have a good drinking session then don't take the Diazepam to be honest.

I have drunk alcohol with Diazepam before and been ok but you may feel more drowsy.

It will probably tell you on the leaflet to avoid alcohol completely.

Have you had these drugs before?

paula lynne
12-05-11, 10:30
Hiya, take the diazepam for the flight, but wait til the next day at least before having a drink. If you plan on drinking everyday, dont take any diazepam. I watched a documentary on the BBC a few monthes ago, and alcohol and benzodiazepines are the MOST dangerous drug combination of ALL.
I think heavy drinking should be avoided in my opinion, as with most things balance is the key. Be safe. Enjoy the weekend!
Paula x:)

12-05-11, 19:26
Thanks for your posts. I've only taken Diazepan once to be honest Nicola to see how it is like. It simply puts me in a bubble really and affects concentration and speech.

I may see how I feel just before the flight as to whether I take the pills. Obviously I want to have a good time with my friends and as it is the first stag do that I have ever been on it would be really nice to celebrate it in style. Yet again I realise the consequences of taking the drug and alcohol therefore I do not want to lead to any adverse reactions.

Does anyone know how long the drug lasts for or how long it takes to fully get out of your system? I have never really taken sedatives before and I assumed that it would be like paracetemol and last for three or four hours then the effects would wear off?

Thanks again for your responses.

13-05-11, 23:50
I take 3 x 2mg of diazepam for flying. I don't usually drink with it, but on the odd occassion I have had a beer on the plane or at the airport, I've definitely felt sleepy. I don't usually bother now. If am particularly anxious I have been known to take the doses really close together and sleep most of the way there!

I've never been on an intense drinking weekend following a flight though so I'm afraid I'm not much help! I always sleep really well when I arrive and feel fine the next day. ;)

Sounds like it's detectable for some time in the system, though not sure if this is the same as affecting you so agree it's best to ask ask your GP about drinking the next day, but it had never even crossed my mind tbh. If you do ask, it would be great if you came back and posted the response :)

14-05-11, 00:09
Diazepam is a very long-acting drug and is likely to remain in your system for a few days at least, so I'd be inclined to agree with Mishel and Paula and err on the side of caution till you know exactly how you react to it, as it can be a dangerous combination.

14-05-11, 16:06
This is the info I have:

The initial distribution phase is followed by a prolonged terminal elimination phase (half-life up to 48 hours). The terminal elimination half-life of the active metabolite N-desmethyldiazepam is up to 100 hours. Diazepam and its metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine, predominantly as their glucuronide conjugates. The clearance of diazepam is 20 to 30 mL/min in young adults. Diazepam accumulates upon multiple dosing and there is some evidence that the terminal elimination half-life is slightly prolonged."

The thing is, Valium is often used as a pre med for operations. Of course these are huge doses whereby life support is used throughout an op because the dose would suppress breathing. It's thought by some that valium remains in the fat cells and disperses now and then...which is why withdrawal can be difficult and has to be done quite slowly.

But in the case where a few mg are used for flying - there is an acute half life say 12 hours and then some residue for 48 to 100 hours. would hazard a guess that drinking 12 hours after would have very little, of any effect on the diazepam

14-05-11, 16:28
But in the case where a few mg are used for flying - there is an acute half life say 12 hours and then some residue for 48 to 100 hours. would hazard a guess that drinking 12 hours after would have very little, of any effect on the diazepam

A few drinks and I would agree, but I think James was thinking more of a drinking "session", which is why I think he should allow at least 24 hours or avoid taking it altogether.

15-05-11, 10:26
Hi James
It is very unlikely that anyone on here will say yes you can drink on diazepam. Almost certainly if you asked your GP they would air on the cautious side and say no. The info given by Typer is comprehensive but does not answer the question. Half life merely means the amount of a substance/reaction/energy e.t.c remaining midway to its known test base – not that there is half of it left. With most applications of half life any given reaction is generally 75% exhausted – but not always and there are too many variables that can affect the half life- a classic example in this scenario is that alcohol will significantly reduce it.
My advice would be to collate the info given here and make a personal informed decision given your own personal disposition but in my opinion it would be very dangerous for anyone to say ‘yes you can drink’ particularly at the levels that I am assuming a ‘lads stag do’ would involve, without knowing you or your medical history. :)

16-05-11, 14:26
Hi James
It is very unlikely that anyone on here will say yes you can drink on diazepam. Almost certainly if you asked your GP they would air on the cautious side and say no. The info given by Typer is comprehensive but does not answer the question. Half life merely means the amount of a substance/reaction/energy e.t.c remaining midway to its known test base – not that there is half of it left. With most applications of half life any given reaction is generally 75% exhausted – but not always and there are too many variables that can affect the half life- a classic example in this scenario is that alcohol will significantly reduce it.
My advice would be to collate the info given here and make a personal informed decision given your own personal disposition but in my opinion it would be very dangerous for anyone to say ‘yes you can drink’ particularly at the levels that I am assuming a ‘lads stag do’ would involve, without knowing you or your medical history. :)

Great advice - yes always err on the side of caution.

16-05-11, 16:01
Malaga is wonder everyone talks english your love it
god bless