View Full Version : Can someone with heart fears please reassure me-I'm terrified.

11-05-11, 22:46
Hey guys.

So these past few days have been really hectic for me. My palps have returned and they're making me worried.

First off, as many of you probably know, I've been checked out by a team of cardios at the hospital and they told me that my heart was fine.

However, certain things makes my heart race which I guess is supposed to be normal. I get a fast pulse sometimes just by getting up and walking into the next room, or I'll even get it sometimes when I'm doing nothing or even when I'm just doing simple things such as climbing the stairs or running down my street.

I'll admit that I've been doing better for the most part about my heart fears. But one thing I always have at the back of my mind is what if I have an arrythmia. I know structurally my heart is perfect but what about rhythm disorders.

I was GOOGLING :weep: and I saw something called Wolf Parkins Syndrome and it's an arrythmia that occurs in young adults.

As of now, my pulse is pounding and racing and my back, and chest and head feels tight as if I have a tight band around them. I also feel as if I can't take in a deep breath. What's making that worse is that my acid reflux has been acting up.

Can anyone please reassure me that I'm ok and that they have similar symptoms. My GP says I'm fine and all she can find wrong with me is that I have anxiety and that my acid reflux is acting up.

Thanks again guys,
I really appreciate it.

11-05-11, 23:21
Anyone please?

11-05-11, 23:53
Hi Mark

I think you are winding yourself up over all of this hence the pains.

If you have been checked out then you are fine and your heart is fine - just make sure you keep it healthy ok?

Also your pulse will change on and off all day as you do different activities - that is normal too.

What exercise do you get?

12-05-11, 00:22
Thanks for the response Nic.

I try my best to keep as healthy as I can. I moderately exercise to be honest. I do a lot of yoga, biking and a lot of walking. I want to try and start jogging soon but we'll see how far that goes. When i run, I get bad acid reflux and I have to stop cuz I feel the acid coming up. I don't get that when I bike or walk though.

It's just that I always go through bad waves of anxiety during when the semester is about to finish. I lose sleep which makes me tired, dizzy and anxious. The anxiousness provokes hyperventialtion which makes me get palps which in turn all is a viscious cycle.

Just last week I was jumping up and down and now I can barely make it up a flight of stairs w/o feeling so weak and short of breath. I went jogging with my cousin yesterday and that has me so tired and my legs hurt and I feel so weak.:weep:

17-05-11, 08:52
Hi Mark.
I too suffer all the time with worrying about whether I have a heart condition or whether someone in my family does. I also worrying about just dropping down dead from this!! However, I have been checked out too and got told my heart is fine.
Have you ever heard of Sudden Adult Death? This is my main worry and its linked to Wolf Parkins Sydrome. However, I think that this condition mainly runs in families and I think they are quite rare. Have you read this as well?

18-05-11, 23:51
Hi I had WPW. Look up AF or SVT and count your pulse, see if it's in a normal range at rest and feel the regularity

20-05-11, 10:38
hi Mark

I know exactly how you feel and i am sorry you have these worries too

My mam suddenly died in nov 08 of a heart attack she was 62 and since then i am petrified of all chest pains which obviously means i get more plus i also have acid and ibs which can cause heart palps and trapped wind which can cause chest pains.....right now i am having a bad time all this fear is back and pains are worse than ever i have ad blood tests but that was over a year ago so even the reassurance i got from thoes has wore off i just wanted to let you know you are not alone and to keep popping back on here this site really helps i know it is easier said than done but try and take comfort from what the hospital said you are fine remind yourself every day you have felt like this before it will pass say it out loud if it helps and take deep breaths

good luck to you hugs :0)

20-05-11, 11:54
The most thing i would find reasurring is knowing that my gp says i am fine and that after having tests i am told i am fine. No matter how bad your palpations are and how much they worry you just try bearing in mind what you have been told. Kind of say to yourself you will just make your palpatations worse if you panic over them and google things. Everyone knows that to google symptoms only makes things worse, i know we are all guilty of doing this but by personal experience it doesnt do you any favours.

I know its easier said than done, but just try having an attitude like accepting that for now palpations are normal and not to panic over it, i mean i suffer bad with them and i have to take my son to nursery soon which panics me because i have a big fear of my breathing etc so know i can feel my heart beating fast and my throat is so tight its awful. But im telling myself that the more i fuss about it the more its going to get worse. So i try my hardest to accept it.

I promise you that once you can get to the stage where they not panicing u as much because you have been told by professionals also that you are fine - you wont think anything of it, and you wont let it bother u and eventually they will be a thing of a past

20-05-11, 23:22
Hi mark, I see myself alot in you also but I tend to stay away from google so I don't worry myself anyfurther!

My heart worried started about 5 years ago when I was suffering from some anxiety issues and I needed two weeks off. I went to the Dr etc and had some tests run, ECG bloods all that and they all came back fine...... However I noticed that on the ECG report it mentioned a couple of possible warnings etc but this was computer generated warnings so the Dr looks over it properly etc.....

For the last 5 years my anxiety has mainly been undercontrol with cipramil and the odd Xanax in times of need lol and I have managed to hold a full time job and have a 3 year old daughter....

My Partner and I split after 5 years 2 years ago and it has been hard and a lot of emotional anxiety has come from that naturally and so has the fear of my heart!

After about 12 ECGs in 3 years, and just recently a trip to hospital where I was given the all clear the Doctor said to me have you ever thought about going to a cardiologist..... I was like well I've thought of it but it would make me pretty anxious!

He said it would be a good idea to put my mind at rest as I obviously struggle with it still even after all these test and 3 different Doctors all saying my ECGs are fine I'm off to a cardiologist in a week to have a chat and a excercise ECG to put my mind at rest and to put a close to this chapter once and for all!

My counsellor said to look at it as the final piece of evidence to say everything is fine and to move on from this worry!

Only thing now is I'm so anxious about about going it's made my anxiety worse!!!!! I'm sure this is normal though right???? 