View Full Version : Always feel like I'm going to stop breathing

11-05-11, 23:31
I was diagnosed with Bipolar 7 years ago & have been on Lithium for it since then. About 2 months ago though, I've started having panic attacks. Ever since then all I can think about is my breathing and the fear of having another attack. Along with that, I have vertigo & derealization, which is 24/7. I can't stand or walk anymore because of the vertigo. It sounds funny, but I basically just crawl around on the floor. It sucks though because I'm only 22 and I'm a mom, so this panic disorder is making life difficult. Especially because due to the attacks, I'm agoraphobic and don't even like leaving my bedroom if I don't need to. Whenever I have an attack, my symptoms are: my right side of my face and right arm go numb, my neck tingles, I hyperventilate, feel dizzy, my mind goes completely blank like it's just not there anymore, I sometimes dry heave, and I feel temporarily paralyzed to the point I can't physically move or speak. Has anyone ever had attacks that bad and is there absolutely anything I can do about my heavy breathing? I tried Xanax, but not only did it not help with my panic attacks, it made me feel so relaxed to where I huff & puff even harder to breathe.