View Full Version : Times are changin!!

12-05-11, 11:41

I used to use this site a few times a day due to being so anxious about my health, was convinced I had a brain tumour or was going to drop dead from bleeding on the brain any minute. Its taken such a long time to get to this point but I really am feeling so much better now.
I just thought it would be nice to share my good experiences with u all... I know that it can come back at any time but for now I'm just enjoying life. I am four months pregnant and the anxiety does rear its head every now and then... I wonder if I will misscarry.... will I die in labour but am trying very hard to be posative and so far it is working! Just wanted to share my story with all u wonderful people. U helped me out in some rough times. Thank you :-)

paula lynne
12-05-11, 12:20
What a fantastic post, its great you here you are doing so well! Well done in accepting it, and getting on with living your life.....and many congratulations on your pregnancy!! Exciting times!! This post has cheered up my dull day, thank you!!

Love, Paula x :D:hugs:

12-05-11, 12:29
Congrats on your pregnancy. I too was scared of dying during birth and let me tell you this: I had the worst circumstances (I know Ellie could die and had her disease) of a crash section and my epidural only worked as far as where the incision was done therefore I felt my surgery BUT (this isn't to scare you) I would have a section again because the 40 hours I had with Ellie was amazing and I really forgot the trauma of the birth straight away. And I am alive! x:winks:

01-06-11, 11:31
All the time I just try to kick my brain into being more logic.... will I die in labour? only 1 in 10,000 do and these are in 3rd world countrys that sort of thing! I know whatever happens the hospital will look after me and my baba! It is a hard thing to overcome but I just want to be busy living and how can i enjoy life when I worry bout dying all the time! not gunna happen :-) xx