View Full Version : What do i do

12-05-11, 13:41
desprate for some advise i suffer with gad and ha and i have a fear of taking pills because of the side effects i mite get and my gp has gave me antibiotics for my ears and ive got my self in a rite state weather or not to take them as im scared and i dont know wat to do , i know im feeding my anxiety by not over coming my fears but i just dont know how to over come come it im try to be rational about it and tell myself i will be ok taking them but then i i tell myself no in case anything happens to me please can any one give me some advice on what to do thk you

12-05-11, 14:11
Serious side effects are very rare, i work in a hospital and havent seen many adverse reactions at all. in personal experience the worst ive had is a bt of nausea, which made me sick and i was eating my lunch half hour later. But i understand its not as easy as simply taking a pill for you. My advice is not to take in the night time, as your anxiety will stop you sleeping, have it with food and for peace of mind maybe take when someone is with you. And dont drink alcohol!
Dont punish yourself if you cant do it right this second, do it when your ready and im sure you'll do great.xxx

12-05-11, 14:35
I understand the fear of taking meds tricia as im the same.. I use paracetomol for any headache but thats it.. However, I have had anti biotics once or twice in the past and didnt have any problems.

13-05-11, 09:10
Kate11's right, serious reactions to antibiotics are extremely rare. Usually the worst that can happen is that they'll upset your stomach a bit, but you can minimise this by making sure that you take them when you have a meal.