View Full Version : Anxiety/panic attack help

12-05-11, 15:10
I have been having anxiety/ibs episodes for years, however recently I have been worse than ever, not sure if it's an age thing or what. However I was trying to self help while I waited for an appointment with my GP, but now I have just received a court citation for jury service:weep: this has put me over the edge, after reading the procedure for the day I phoned the sherrif clerk on any advice she could give me as I suffer from anxiety induced ibs and would poss need to visit the loo asap if I had an attack, I have to say she was not very helpful and told me the court started at 10am and broke for lunch at 1pm to which I would be able to use the toilet then, this has really worry me now and not sure what to do, has anyone else been in this or a similar situation? Thanks panicangel

12-05-11, 16:42
Hello i haven.t been in your situation regarding jury service, but can understand how this must be making you feel. if you go on the direct.gov website and type im jury service there is a section on there that states people that have mental health issues are not ment to do jury service, not sure whether anxiety would count, but might be worth finding out if you can be excused from having to do jury service on this basis, if you think it might be too much for you. sorry couldn.t post link to site, but i am replying from my phone xx

12-05-11, 17:10
Thanks Katie6 for your reply, it may sound extreme but I have moved my gp appointment to sooner as this is going to send my anxiety through the roof until I can sort something out, not really sure if anxiety/ibs is classed as a mental illness but certainly feels like one:o(

12-05-11, 18:06

hiya I found this for you, hope it helps. my doctor said that anxiety is classed as a mental health problem so it would seem that if you get a note from your doctor then you could probably exempt yourself from jury service if you don't feel up to it x

12-05-11, 18:30
Hi Panicangel,

feel for you ..this has been a fear of mine for years ...........I could not do it.
the thought of it horrifies me . I have always been under the impression a doctors letter will exempt you............and at the last resort when the judge meets the jury ..you tell him /her that you have anxiety /panic disorder and will be unable to make a rational decision because of the distressing symptoms you will be enduring . It seems likely the judge would then discharge you .
lets be honest no judge would want a panic stricken distracted jury member.
It could affect the sentence .
please let us know how you get on .....and try to not worry if you can :hugs:

there are some posts on the net about it if you type in the words anxiety and jury service ...........not sure if it is UK or USA though .

13-05-11, 13:27
Thanks for link Kj that has calmed me down a bit, also thanks snowgoose I am glad I am not the only one not confident about doing jury service. I am going to my Gp today so will let you know how I get on. I think with the citation coming through is has been a wake up call that my anxiety has been getting out of control and have spoke to a close friend recently and she said that I cannot carry on living the way I am, as it is know life and that I should seek help and try to recover. Lets hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. While at the doctors if I am not to anxious I am going to ask about food causing the problems as my tummy get sore most day after eating not always resulting in a trip to the loo, but it always seems tense and sore wither I am having a good day or a bad day. Thanks again for all your replies xx

02-12-14, 18:15
Well, I have managed to do an hour of jury service then we broke for lunch. Most of the time I was sat there I kept getting wierd feelings like I was going to pass out, strange floaty head feeling, trembling etc I just could not concentrate on what was happening infront of me, it was like I kept drifting in and out of what was going on. In no way did I feel that I could make a decision that could be relied on and may effect the lives of the people in the courtroom on trial! As we broke for lunch I spoke to the usher and explained how I felt. They were very good about this. I felt terrible as I feel I was wasting everyone elses time because I had 'messed' the jury up and they would have to get a new juror in and then go through everything again. The usher said to meto feel proud that I stood up and made that decision, as if I continued into the next day or even further into the case it would cause a lot of hassle I guess. I've never had a panic attack before and this can only be what I think it was?? Very strange feeling indeed! I think the pressure and stress of the decision and the process to reach any decision plus the effects my decision could have on somebodys life really got to me. Then the more I worried about the case, the more I worried about how I was feeling so just felt terrible. But as I said, the usher and judge etc were great and made me feel okabout what I was doing by letting them know. One or two jurors were not happy as it meant in the end that everybody got sent home, off that particular case and were told to come back the next day where they may or may not be picked again. I feel bad about that but imagine how much worse it would be if I hadnt spoke about it until much later in the case! Hope my ramblings on help somebody in the same position make the right decision. Thankyou