View Full Version : Sleep Paralysis & Cit

12-05-11, 17:11
Hi guys

I have been on Cit for about 4 months now. Started at 10, up to 20 and now on 30mg.

My sleep is generally disrupted now on these meds with waking at 2 hour intervals for no reason? I do get back to sleep though but would benefit from a longer 4 hour cycle at some point soon I think!

More worryingly though, I seem to have started with sleep paralysis since starting on the meds. My dreams became very vivid as soon as I went on 20mg anyway but on 4 occassions including last night I have had terrifying (and I mean terrifying) experiences where I wake from a vivid dream but am unable to move at all. I am always on my back when this happens. I can't even open my eyes. I then start to feel that there is someone in the room coming closer and closer towards me (with evil intent). I can hear the floor creaking, breathing and other noises. Last night I also thought I could hear thunder and rain although it wasn't raining. I also imagined my toddler screaming in his room (as if he had been/ was being attacked)

I can't move or make any noise so just have to lie there, heart racing through my chest waiting to be attacked. Last night I coped my counting back in 7's from 100 until I was able to move. (Just to keep me breathing and as calm as possible really) My OH works away in the week so it is awful to wake up on my own to this? I haven't calmed down all day and am dreading sleep tonight.

It's so hard to explain.....has anyone else had this on Cit or even on another med? I am not asleep and dreaming at these times. I am awake but I cannot move a muscle?

Pls let me know if you had it - did it go eventually?


Jen xx :scared15::scared15:

12-05-11, 17:39
Hi Jen I'm not taking cit but am on mirtazapine and lithium. I suffer from sleep paralysis and it happens at least three times a week. I think that I am dying or believe that I have died. I think like yourself that there is someone in the room. I also hear imaginary noises/have seen blue flashes like lightening. I'm taking zopiclone at the moment short term. I try to think that is will end soon but it is very scary and disorientating. I have had hypnosis for my sleep problems but I still experience them. They are not unique to cit. The sleep paraysis 'bit' is a state beween being asleep and being awake. It is quite a primitive response and unforunately there is nothing we can do about it. Understanding it helps a bit but we seem to unremember this state when experiencing it. It cannot hurt you. It might help to talk to your GP about it? EJ

12-05-11, 18:15

Am so sorry to hear you have to ensure this 3 times a week :(. It's like being a lead role in a horror movie? On a plus point though I am pleased to know that I am not alone in this nightmare!

I was even more scared from it when I googled the situation this morning and discovered "sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome" being a possible outcome of these instances!

I will tell my GP if it continues. I will keep it a few weeks for the dose increase to settle. Have you ever asked the GP about it yourself or is it something you have always had even before the meds?

Thanks for replying to me EJ, much appreciated to know you're not the only one :-) xx

12-05-11, 18:25
Dear Jen please try not to worry. I have never been told that this is associated with 'sudden unexpected death syndrone' I was under the care of a GP for my hypnosis and he didn't tell me this at all. I have never been a great sleeper. I have been taking zopiclone since my Dad died in April. I will try to wean myself off them soon. I'm seeing my psychiarist tomorrow so much to tell him. I'm sure that your GP will put your mind at rest. I agree these episodes are extremely unpleasant. EJ.

12-05-11, 19:29
Thank you so much EJ. I'm sorry you've had such a sad time recently. Don't put too much pressure on yourself (e.g weaning off Zop). Just take life one day at a time and only try to go it solo when you really want to - not when you think you should based on others etc.

Big hugs to you xxxxxx