View Full Version : Sinus infection: still feel dizzy after a week! GP time?

12-05-11, 17:16
Hey all,

I'm getting rather stressed at the moment =/ To get to the point, I caught what I think must have been a rather bad head cold last Tuesday/Wednesday. The infection must have went to my sinuses because ever since then I've been feeling dizzy and been having ear pain/pressure, along with headaches and a general feeling of unsteadiness.

Now, over a week later, I'm still feeling out of sorts, and I think it must be time to see a doctor about it. It actually feels worse today. I took Sudafed for a few days last week, but I stopped because I know it's not good for you to take it for too long. Maybe I should take some more to relieve me until I can see my GP? It's really horrible at the moment. I feel at complete unease in my body and it feels like I keep swaying where I sit/stand. Not a very nice feeling at all. It doesn't help either that I'm getting worked up about it. I just want some relief right now :(

12-05-11, 17:18
Should I go see a doctor about it ASAP or will it eventually sort itself out if I just forget about it?

12-05-11, 19:03
Eugh, my left ear is really playing up right now. It feels like I can hear myself breathing really loudly, and my voice has been amplified ten times it's normal volume. It keeps feeling like it's going to burst :(

12-05-11, 19:12
hi :)
I think a visit to doc would be good idea .... upsetting symptoms .
in mean time have you tried inhaling steam .either by putting hot water on bowl and covering your head with towel ............having a shower or bath with door closed while running to make it steamy and breathing it in . also Sudafed if it helped wont harm I dont think until you see doctor .
take care x