View Full Version : Daughter has anxiety/panic

12-05-11, 18:03
I'm not sure if this is appropriate forum for me to post on..I've already linked this forum to my daughter recommending her to join.
I'm just at wits end with my daughter and her anxiety/panic problems. Before going into details I was wondering if there was a family and friends section or a better place on this forum to communicate?
I'm just hoping my daughter takes the time and joins/participates here...I think it would help her a lot since she is adamant that face to face therapy and such isn't a choice for her.

12-05-11, 18:04
Hi Muunray

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-05-11, 18:08
hello there, here is a great place to start what with all the articles and information etc I have found it a great help, maybe she could just take a read of some of them and see what she thinks? x

12-05-11, 18:45
hello Muunray:)

this a lovely forum and from what I have seen is open to anybody affected by anxiety/panic /depression . you need support too :hugs:
the beauty is it is global too .so always someone around to chat to.
so hope your daughter joins us ...........we truly do understand .
take care xx

13-05-11, 15:02
I hope she does join us, as once she does she will realise that she isn't the only one that feels that way, and that there are lovely people here to support her :D (and you!) xx

13-05-11, 15:47
hey Muunray, of course you're welcome on here!
i hope your daughter joins too, do tell her to at least have a look around this site and the forum, there some great advice here and support from people who know exactly what it's like to live with anxiety (or live with someone who suffers from it) as well as other issues that she'll soon see that she isn't alone in this and that there is help available, we're all here for similar reasons! xx

13-05-11, 17:51
hi please do not let your daughter feel that you are at your wits end as this makes you fell worse i should know i suffer terribly from panic attacks tell her she is not alone and try decuss some of the thing you read on hear that is the same as what she is going through my mum has recently started me going to hypnophearipy and this is helping me loads i stayed in for three years and have know started going back out and i am getting there slowly but surely look up what foods to avoid as it will amaze you what can trigger panic also try getting her to try yoga breating you can see the videos on the computer of how to do these they help and would advise you to try buy her a worry stone to carry as the help all she needs to do is rub it when feeling anxiety/panic you should be on hear and you never know may help you to understand and get and find ways to help her a cuddle always makes you fell a wee bit better at the time of panic it lets you know there is someone there for you when you fell your family are starting to get anoyed at the situation it starts to make you feel worried and this starts the train that leads to PANIC ATTACK STOP IT BEFORE IT STARTS will be good for support for you too hope this helps you both:hugs::yesyes: