View Full Version : Feel like im falling apart.

12-05-11, 18:06
I am hypothyroid but it's stable in January I started to feel crap so got bloods done and the only thing showing anything was my ferritin which was 27 (7-150) my dr finally gave me iron last month to take which I've been taking for a month now I feel my fatigue etc is better but now I seem to be getting ovarian pains all the time which I thought could be ibs as the pain moves around but is mostly lower like period pain could that be my bowel? I feel anxious about this as it's constant at the moment also backache, hip pain, nausea more do after food, no appetite, feel like I can't poo or pass wind, I'm so scared it's ovarian cancer!! And to make matters worse this week I think I may have developed thrush I have slight dishcharge itchy and now feels quite burny... Really feel like it's one thing after another. Feel like all this time it's probebly been cancer of some sort and I'm dying! Obviously I'm goin to go see my dr but just wanted some opinions here. Also it's worse when I'm near ovulation but this time the pain started 3/4 after my period and I'm on the 12th day of my cycle and I'm still in pain.. Ibs or ovary pain?? I have 3 children had one last July only got my periods back last December they come 30-32 days.

Lele x

13-05-11, 14:27