View Full Version : Where do I go from here?

12-05-11, 19:08
I had a Drs appt this morning as a follow up to another health issue and decided to mention my latest bout of PA's to her, She really wasn't much help, we discussed Anti-D's but I have had them on and off over the years and don't think they really help long term. I have also had 2 lots of CBT over the years and some counselling, so she gave me the number for my local Mind.
My problem is that I have been looking at my health history lately and checked back on my posts here (I used to belong to another mental health forum but it broke down so I have no records from there) and worked out that my first ever PA was 17 years ago, and I have been having these 'episodes' every 6 months to a year ever since and no-one has ever realised or checked far enough back in my history.
I will phone Mind but I don't know what to expect and I really don't know where to go from here :weep:

12-05-11, 21:09
Please go back to your doctor, I don't know how your appointment system works at your doctors, but when I ring up and tell the receptionist WHY I'm booking the appointment, the doctor always knows and dedicates the whole consulatation to this.

In my opinion, the number for MIND isn't enough. If you had a chest infection would they delay treatment or tell you to take calpol???? No!

It sounds like your panick attacks are disturbing your life, even though you only told your doctor as a side issue. The worst thing you can do is let them take over your whole life. GET HELP.

MIND are fantastic, they will listen and give you very logical advice, but to get better you need more help.

It's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign you've been strong for too long. xxx