View Full Version : feeling real bad can't stop thinking !!

12-05-11, 19:58
My stomach has been bloated now for a good few days and had bad smelly wind :blush: and nausea :weep: but today my stomach is still looking pregnant, feeling that food is stuck just below ribs feels like a heavy sickly feeling in the center.. if i rub here i will sometimes burp, pressure feelings above hips and pubic bone, burning in right shoulder blade, constipation, bad smelly wind :blush: this gets me worried as i keep thinking why does it smell so bad ?? i can't stop worrying is this my IBS , or something major, i get movements in my bowels mainly around right hip then over left hip but nothing else i can't stop panicking what is wrong with me ?? x x
keep getting hot flushes cos am panicking about it now my mind is just stuck on my stomach and nothing else :(

12-05-11, 20:56
Hey Honeypie, I'm sorry you're still feeling bad. As I said, some of your symptoms can be explained by the Omeprazole side effects, plus IBS. Anxiety is probably also impacting on your stomach issues, possibly some food intolerances. The problem is, you can post here as often as you like and ask the same question, but the only way you will know for sure whether you have IBS and gastritis, or something else is to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy that your doctor offered you. Nothing we say seems to help you. At least if you had the tests and could rule some things out, you would know what you were dealing with a bit better. I would really suggest you take up the offer of the tests, unpleasant though they may be. At least that way the gastro can maybe find something that works better to help you. Please reconsider it.

doctor even examined my stomach and said it is just GAS and am still thinking maybe its now !!
am waiting for an colonoscopy but i dont want the other one done am just to scared and tonight my stomach gets like this every now and then esp when i haven't been the loo ( my bowels could do with a good clear out) ive got that horrible pressure feeling just above my pubic bone area and just cant stop trumping that smells so bad (which doc says is basically all stale poop) i just hate that fullness sickly feeling we get just below my ribs in center and burning between shoulder blades my doc says he can be sure 100% that i just have IBS & acid as all my other tests came back negative but even though these tests all came back negative and i have been the docs so many times with my stomach swelling etc and they say its just constipation / trapped wind etc i just cant seem to accept this :weep:
I should be able to accept it as my mum & 2 sisters all have IBS ans we all have the same symptoms my mum is the worse her stomach goes huge and stays that way for days and god she can smell lol but i still think its something else x

what is the best thing to take for trapped wind / bloated stomach etc ??

12-05-11, 22:01
Hi, I just wanted to say that anti-acid meds can make you feel worse... we all need a certain amount of stomach acid... sometimes doctor's assume that we are producing too much acid, when it's possible that we are actually producing too little...

12-05-11, 23:56
Hi, I just wanted to say that anti-acid meds can make you feel worse... we all need a certain amount of stomach acid... sometimes doctor's assume that we are producing too much acid, when it's possible that we are actually producing too little...

I just wish i knew what it was causing me all this trouble could just be my IBS Constipation or Acid or Anxiety i don't no but having bad time tonight got bad stomach pains mainly all down left or when i get the pains coming i need to trump and the pain goes again, look 9 months pregnant (am NOT pregnant) pains around hips. lower back pain, nausea, tight spasm feeling left of my belly button, horrible taste & lump in throat, swollen bloated stomach burning between shoulder blades, heavy feeling in bowels area all below my belly button, smelly wind ....
My anxious mind is working over time all with what if's maybe its not just constipation etc