View Full Version : Salivary gland cancer

13-05-11, 00:30
I really thought I was getting better as I have not been on here for a while. Then all of the sudden I feel this lump in what I think is my salivary gland on my right side. It is definately not on the left side. I have been ill lately with a sinus infection or something like that with lots of head congestion and then drainage and coughing. I am traveling on business and I have nothing to do in my hotel room but freak out. I am a 39 yr old smoker in relatively good health but I am terrified. Any advice would be great or even just someone to talk to as I am all alone in a foreign city. I am not on meds but I really wish I was right now.


13-05-11, 00:39
Sorry to hear that it must be awful for you. Lumps are common - remember that, I know some one who had a lump removed from that area last year and his tests came out clear. Hope your ok, chat on here if you want to take your mind off it. Sending hugs your way-:hugs:

13-05-11, 00:46
Thanks for the response. I just noticed this lump and I over the moon with fear. I was doing so good and it was sooooo fragile. I am a mess right now. I have tried talking to my wife about my anxiety and while I know she loves me she loses her patience and I can't blame her. I feel like a failure.

13-05-11, 00:56
your not a failure at all. It is alot harder for people to understand who are not in that position. I used to be one of them, telling my friends to get over themselves. Not beliving members of staff during abscence meetings, I must have come across as a bit of a bi**h to be honest. But until you have lived it you never really understand.

What help are you getting for your anxiety?

13-05-11, 01:00
My anxiety was going so well for a long time. I have not be obsessing at all for months but this lump has brought it all back in a matter of a couple of days. I keep telling myself that I have been sick and this is a swollen node or something benign but I can't stop freaking out. It is not helping that I am on the road and stuck in a hotel with nothing to do. To answer your question, I am not getting any help beyond self help with books and exercise. I am exhausted and I know I won't sleep a wink.

13-05-11, 01:16
So far you know nothing about the lump yes? It could therefore be a gland / node, I have ha a cough for weeks now and I can definately feel a lump in that area, step back from the situation and try to think of what advise you may give some one else in that situation, would you tell them to do?

I do alot of self help myself, I find it's what suits me best. And if you have helped yourself before, you can overcome this, put into practice some of the techniques you have learnt previously, try to relax and breathe, step back from the situation and try to see it from another angle.

13-05-11, 01:18
like your avatar btw:yesyes:

13-05-11, 01:19
You too.

13-05-11, 01:20
I know it's hard, i'm struggling myself at the moment thats why i'm awake now, I am occupying my mind on here by doing quizzes and chatting till the early hours.

13-05-11, 01:27
Can you tell me what you are worrying about? I may be able to help with data or experience.

13-05-11, 01:38
where to start. I'm worrying about a million things- in no particular order

-have to leave the house tomorrow- too short notice
-my benefits have stopped, failed my medical, so they informed council so my rent has not been paid
- worrying about my ex going back with a cheat as she will be in my sons life, and i can't handle that
- received an email saying he was cheating on me - saw the email she sent him- he denies he did cheat- so stressing is he still lying to me?
- stressing about the next time i get upset- my recent symptoms to anxiety are sickness and bad diarorrhea, and worried if that will happen if i leave the house.
- worried about weight loss- due to recent stress have lost 2 1/2 stone in 3 months

- worried my ex might try to take my son- he mentioned he was worried about him- he knew I was suicidle last month.
- money, as per usual
lets just leave it at that for now....there is more

13-05-11, 01:41
may not seem like big things but they are huge to me in 2 years ive lost my job my home and my man, and it just seems to get worse, I am very nervous about the future, on the verge of cracking

13-05-11, 01:52
Anything that brings you anxiety is a big thing. As for your diarrhea, I have ibs and was constantly going from diarrhea to constipation and was miserable. I started taking daily fiber powder once or twice a day and it has made a world of difference in the world. It takes a day or two to kick in and might cause a little ache at first in your flank as it firms things up. To your other worries, I wish I could fix them. I don't know how benefits or family law works in the U.K. but I know that if you are sick and seeking help then you are trying and that is worth something. You sound like a good mom and you child is lucky to have someone who cares so much. I work with kids at my church and I have seen many parents not care. I have found that when I am out and feel the panic building, I get on my mobile phone and surf the net to NMP and post and read and it helps. Please don't give up and if you are really thinking about suicide remember a loving mom that cares is always better than no mom at all.

13-05-11, 02:03
yeah I know what you mean, but in the darkest times I think wouldnt it be easier if his father met someone and they could be a family together, and then i would not be a burden to them. Its quite hard to talk your self round isn't it when everything you think seems to make perfect sense.
I don't know if the fibre powder will work but will definately give it a go, the only thing is it only seems to be diaorhea when i'm stressed, my stomach lurches, and then I have to go straight away- very strange, am trying to occupy my mind during stressful times but so far no such luck.
thanks for the tip about NMP on mobile. I have only been on NMP for 4 days so I will have to get it on my phone for when I go out, I may need to update my phone though, its about 10 years old:doh:

13-05-11, 02:18
Good luck and the fibre works for diarrhea too.

13-05-11, 02:22
yeah thanks for that im hoping - that is a bit of a worry atm

13-05-11, 02:25
So whats this city like your in at the mo- or you havn't had much chance to have a look yet?

13-05-11, 02:37
sorry the baby is awake- having some issues with that lately so will have to log off sorry, as it will take a while to get him back to sleep- take care-
will messaged you in the am

13-05-11, 15:28
Hi J2, just wondering how you are today, hope your ok, I was up all night again- stubborn child!!!

13-05-11, 15:55
Sorry I finally fell asleep. I am in Chicago USA right now and it is a nice city. I have lived here in the past. The weather is nice today but will be cold and wet all weekend. Thanks for your support last night. I needed it. I hope you are having a better day today.

13-05-11, 16:11
glad you got some sleep:)
I'm ok today thanks just tired, am on a coffee buzz right now so i don't fall asleep, who knows what my child will get up tp if I drifted off!!!

Hazel B
13-05-11, 16:30
j2, I remember your previous posts and all the worry you have had with health. All I can say is that you have overcome the anxiety before and you can do it again. You've had a good few months, so maybe something has triggered your mind again, not just the lump but maybe a bit of stress?

I am sure the lump is harmless, but I would advise to see your doctor if it does not go away by itself by next week. It will be something harmless I am sure but it will put your mind at ease to get a medical opinion.

Take care.:)

28-07-11, 05:34
Thanks Hazel and the lump did go away. I am on to new fears now but it is comforting to know you remember me. I feel so anonymous in the world.