View Full Version : possible heart problem worries, arrythmia

13-05-11, 02:36
So I got myself so worked up about the possibility of having an arrythmia, that my CBT therapist recommended I have a holtor moniter to rule it out. Its always been a fear of mine, I had ECGs, a chest x-ray, bloods taken, but they found nothing. I was still worried, my heart rate gets incredibly high, I've always been told its panic attacks, and it's usually enough to calm me down, but I'm really scared about this test. I've read up the possibilities. mistake number one. I'm obviously going to have to be off my beta blockers for the duration, and the idea that I'm not gonna have the comfort of those keeping my heart rate low scares me. And what If it is some kind of arrythmia, or PSVT or something. Not in a good place right now, got to pluck up the courage to see my GP for a referral. Even if it is what I fear, I've still got the anxiety over it all, so either way it's going to be confirming my problem, simply anxiety, or adding to my problem, a heart condition. The idea of all the IVs and possible surgery if it is something sinister is really getting under my skin, I'm frankly terrified :unsure:

14-05-11, 15:51
I can relate completely. I keep getting a really speedy heart rate....lasts about 15 to 20 secs and makes me light headed too

15-05-11, 18:44
How high does your heart rate get? Have you actually checked it when you think it's racing? :)

16-05-11, 00:52
It doubles at least. The first time it happened the paramedic scared the hell out of me by saying it was tripling. They asked all the usual questions like whether I'd taken any recreational drugs etc. I was smoking weed at the time, and I told em that. They said the paranoia couldnt be helping matters, obviously. And I'd had surgery in the morning on a broken nose, it had complications and I woke up not bein able to breathe very well because they'd grazed my throat removing the breathing tube after surgery. Those factors were considered. In the hospital I kept setting off the alarm thing on the ECG every time I panicked with also didnt help me, I had no idea about panic attacks etc at the time and I made matters worse for myself by getting so scared by it all. They sent me home saying I was a worrying too much, and my GP prescribed me beta blockers for 2 weeks. But after those 2 weeks I had another panic and called an ambulance again. The hospital did all the tests and it didnt get over 150 while I was there. Thats when they told me I was suffering with anxiety and prescribed me Diazepam, but I didnt touch the stuff at the time, I got a repeat prescription of the beta blockers and they helped a lot. I went a long time without a serious scare but after a night out drinking with very little sleep I had another, but I didnt call an ambulance, I breathed through it. I spose the realisation that the beta blockers were not an actual cure caused me a bit of a 'relapse' haha.
And all this worrying that they didnt do a 24 hour moniter and might have missed something has caused me all the recent worry. When it races while I'm on the beta blockers its usually around the 130 mark and goes down after a while.

16-05-11, 02:46
I'm sorry you are going through this. I know how frightening it can be when your heart suddenly races for no apparent reason. I have suffered the same thing myself and it has caused some awful panic attacks in me (and yes, my heart raced BEFORE I got panicky)! Anyway, I've had all the tests and everything came back fine so I'm sure it must just be one of those things that some people suffer from. If I was going to have a heart attack or something I'm sure I would have done so by now so it can't be anything serious, that's what I tell myself when it happens. My resting heart rate is about 76-98 beats per minute (it varies wildly) and when it races it's around the 200+ beats per minute mark. Please try not to worry about your heart symptoms (easier said than done I know). Even if there is a problem (which I doubt because you've had tests in the past) it wouldn't necessarily require treatment or surgery. Please trust the Dr's - they wouldn't tell you everything was fine if they had any doubts at all. And don't go googling! :flowers:

19-05-11, 01:06
Lol Dr google is the devil. Thanks a lot for your advice. It scares me a lot, all the symptoms and worries, but it's nice to hear from people that suffer the same things. I feel marginally better :]