View Full Version : Asymmetric Tonsils

13-05-11, 04:10
Here I go again with anxiety. I've had one tonsil larger than the other for TEN years (after a long battle with tonsillitis that wouldn't go away ten years ago). They also look like there are little holes in them, too... Well, I'm scared because my grandmother passed from lymphoma...I'm heading in to see an Ears, Nose & Throat Doctor tomorrow (and I'm getting them scheduled to take them out).
Does anyone else have crazy looking tonsils? One bigger than the other for a long time? Had their tonsils out?
I'm also anxious over anesthesia...well, not waking up from it...I'm just a bundle of nerves over here & would appreciate some help & advice...:scared15:

13-05-11, 08:48
I have this too, there could be tonsil stones in the little holes, they are harmless but annoying deposits. One of my tonsils looks bigger too but doctor told me before that it's perfectly normal.

13-05-11, 18:51
I'm back from my appointment & she said the same thing. I have tonsil stones & that I don't have cause to worry for the "c" word. She is having me schedule the tonsillectomy at my leisure...this kind of makes me laugh because now I have to get over my fear of anesthesia to do that, lol...one step at a time, I guess:yesyes:

13-05-11, 19:25
Hi Laura

Did they advise you to have them out then?

13-05-11, 21:10
She did...but said that it didn't need to be immediate. I'm just going to get comfortable with that idea first before making the appointment...

13-05-11, 21:41
Dare I ask how much an op would cost over there or do you have insurance for it?

Hope you are well otherwise Laura - we all miss you on admin

13-05-11, 21:44
I've had one tonsil bigger than the other one for as long as I can remember, it used to worry me, but doc said it's perfectly normal :)

14-05-11, 01:53
I'm sorry, but you must have me confused with someone else...I'm not Laura & I missed that in the first response, sorry :doh:...
And yes, my insurance would cover at least 80% of the cost & then I'd cover the rest.

14-05-11, 10:52
Mine are werid ones fused to my mouth dont worry.