View Full Version : So stressed out that I'm making myself physically ill.

13-05-11, 08:53
Hi everyone,

Can you be so stressed your body experiences physical effects?

I've been back and foreward to the doctors regarding a health issue I'm experiencing at the moment. Basically, the symptoms are like GERD but the acid suppressent medication isn't working for me, my tests are coming back negative. I'm going for an endoscopy at the end of this month to see if there is anything in my stomach. For a long while I had convinced myself it was stomach cancer but now I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms aren't greatly caused by stress and anxiety.

I've been constipated for days, weeks. The laxative medication isn't working and it dawned on me recently... I think I am making myself constipated due to anxiety. I've noticed when I go to the loo I just want to be out of there as soon as possible and/or I'm so nervous that I won't be able to go that I don't go. I wonder if that is possible?

I'm seeing floaty bits on my eyes, my body is constantly achey, I'm tired all the time.. I'm wondering if this is greatly if not completely caused by the chronic stress I'm experiencing as of late.

Please help! Also, any tips you have on reducing stress would be greatly appreciate.

Thank you.


13-05-11, 09:04
Hi Erica

Unfortunately, anxiety can cause loads of physical symptoms because of the effect that stress hormones have on your body. Stomach/digestive problems are relly common, and if you do a search through some of the threads on here, you'll find loads of evidence to support this. Many people on here (including me) suffer from IBS as a consequence of stress and anxiety.

It sounds to me as though you need to go back to your GP and talk about your anxiety, as there are things that can be done to help it. In the meantime, read through some of the information no this site - the links are all down the left hand side of the page.

Hope this helps.

13-05-11, 09:07
Thank you blueangel. I am making an appointment with my doctor now. I don't even know what to say to him about anxiety.

13-05-11, 09:13
The best thing I've found is to take a list in with you. If you're finding it hard to talk about, then you could just give him/her the list and tell them that this is how you're feeling and you don't know what to do about it. Good luck!