View Full Version : MORE ANXIOUS

17-04-06, 22:02
Does anyone feel more anxious when they have a cold or flu? THIS IS THE FIRST TIME HAVING A COLD OR FLU with anxiety and it worries me im getting worse with a seriuos illness, but the again i have a blocked nose, and hot flushed, weak legs. the usual feeling. i supose cancer or tumours aint those sort of symtpoms. Just wondering if anyone ele can relate to feeling more anxikous when ill x

17-04-06, 22:05
I don't usually get anxious over colds of flu but I did when I found a breast lump and servere back pain. Just try and get yoursefl better soon by sleeping more, drinking more fluids and taking plenty of rest. Have a hot bath too.

Scooties Back

17-04-06, 23:56
OH MAN! This totally happens to me....Whenever I have a sore throat...cold...anything my anxiety level goes way up becuase I start obsessing about what could possibly be wrong with me.I think that the groggy feeling you normally get from being sick adds to the feeling of detachment(if you ever experience that)