View Full Version : Breathing problems for 3 weeks...

13-05-11, 18:16
Ive been having problems with my breathing. It seems that when im trying to relax that i get worried about not being able to take a 'proper' breath. I feel out of breath, and when i try to take a deep one it feels like i cant fill my lungs the first or second time. I know that theres nothing wrong with me medically (i dont think so anyway!) and ive been putting it all down to anxiety which ive had for a few years. Im off to the doctor on tuesday after years of putting up with social and general anxiety. Ive been once before, but i was given beta blockers with instructions to use them 'Before i think i would need them'. Not great advice when i cant predict the future!
When i go out i sometimes get short of breath, but the main problem i have is nausea and being physically sick. I make it worse by worrying beforehand, which in turn makes my symptoms appear, which i then fight to control, making it worse. The thing is, i KNOW im making it worse by fighting, but i cant help it. I feel like such a let down to friends, and i just want to try and get better slowly.
Over the last couple of weeks though, ive become so much worse. I feel like im becoming agrophobic, convincing myself i dont need to go out to have fun, but in truth im miserable. Im about to force myself to go to the supermarket, because i need to get some food in for the weekend, but because of this stupid breathing issue, im worried im going to stop breathing or die. I know in my head im being silly, and i cant help thinking how daft this all is, but because of this breathing thing my chest has started to become painful. It just feels sometimes like my windpipe isnt big enough to 'gulp' down the air.
Anybody give me some reasurrance that can make me snap out of this rubbish train of thought!

13-05-11, 18:27
hello there, its not daft at all to think like that as what you just said "i'm worried im going to stop breathing or die" is what i constantly think about! i mean all the time, its probably the only thought that goes around my head. so trust me your not alone as I feel exactly the same, I always feel like there isn't enough air in me and that my lungs arent filled enough so I am always taking deep breaths for no reason. feel free to pm me if you need a chat as i really do know how you feel x

13-05-11, 18:29
I get a tight chest some of the time and then i try to take a deep breath to fill my lungs which seems to help for a bit then i go back to how i was. I wouldnt mind as much as i do if it didnt happen when i was just relaxing in my room or something. If i find something to distract myself then i forget about my breathing and when im asleep im fine, i dont wake up in the middle of the night or anything. Just makes me feel like im not in control of myself!

13-05-11, 18:35
yeah i am excatly the same i have been feeling like it all day at work! but like you am completely normal when asleep or doing something and not thinking about it, but i think about it alot of the time so its quite a hard habit to break! its really scary and i find it hard to believe its just anxiety but i have had lots of tests and stuff so i have to try and convince myself x

13-05-11, 19:10
Try and learn abdominal breathing - have a look on here:


13-05-11, 21:22
Well i went to the supermarket earlier. On the way there i had to turn my music up loud to distract myself. On arrival i felt terrible, and almost didnt go in. I forced myself to go into the supermarket, and i thought i was going to have either a major anxiety attack or a panic attack. After about 4 or 5 minutes i was ready to rush through and get out as quickly as possible. By 10 minutes, i was smiling to myself. I was stood in the supermarket, nearly laughing to myself because i coped with it and managed to calm myself down. By the time i got to the checkout i forgot i'd even felt bad on the way in. It was refreshing and a surprise to be able to get on with my life for a change.

13-05-11, 21:23
And thanks Nicola for the helpful article!

13-05-11, 21:24
well done thats good to hear :)

18-05-11, 18:58
Today i went to the gym and went on the cross trainer for a half hour. I did about 5 minutes at an average pace, then about 45 seconds worth of 'sprinting'. Did that about 5 or 6 times and now i feel much better with my breathlessness!