View Full Version : Hi, new here looking for advice :)

13-05-11, 23:32
Hi everyone I'm new to the forums despite having the website bookmarked :).

I'm a 26 year old guy with a steady girlfriend a 2yr old daughter and one on the way :D

Ok where do i start :wacko:

2 years ago i started getting quite severe panic attacks that would happen 7-8 times a day this led onto a constant state of anxiety, through some life changes and medical help i got through it and learned to live with it.

Over the last few months i've started getting them again maybe only once every few days but the constant anxiety is 10 times worse, there is no trigger as its constantly there and i cant seem to break the cycle this time.

It all started with random abdominal pains which led to worry ... you know the rest.

The pains started again randomly 3 months ago, nothing has changed and i cant figure out any cause for it this time, the doctor gave me beta blockers today which i'm hoping will stem the pains enough for my head to get clear but apart from that they are very dismisive of my concerns saying im "perfectaly healthy" which is driving me nuts.

Its got to the stage where i'm struggling to sleep, my appetite has gone, and i find my mood can change quite rapidly, and normal daily things are starting to get very hard as I'm constantly worrying about dying from these little pains (daft i know but i cant help it)

After reading through various websites the closest thing to the way im feeling is GAD but the docs tell me im just stressed (ya think :wall:)

Thanks for readin (if your still here) sorry for the rant everyone but I'm nearly at my witts end this time.

13-05-11, 23:35
Hi stoneyloon, Glad you found the site,you'll find loads of support, I certainly have..

13-05-11, 23:35
Hi stoneyloon

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-05-11, 23:56
hey sounds like you're having a rough time :( hope the beta blockers help, deffo suggest reading some of the articles on here - maybe the health anxiety, panick and the IBS ones might help a bit. HA isn't daft, it might not be logical, but it's how we feel and it's bloody horrible - you're not alone here though. :)