View Full Version : Waking With Anxiety !! How many of us have it ??

14-05-11, 00:42
I hate waking with that scared anxious feeling....
I find no matter when i sleep day or night, a little nap or a full nights sleep or disturbed sleep no matter when i wake (mainly early hours) i find i wake with anxiety that scared "something gonna happen feeling" i fell asleep tonight about 6pm and woke up about 11pm thinking i had slept until the next day i just got that scared anxious feeling like am waiting for something to happen to me, its worse if some1 wakes me up (every1 in our house no's not to wake me up) as i just get all panicky :weep:
so now I've had 5 hours sleep i will most prob be up all night (hope not) as its my daughters 6th birthday party in the morning so expecting about 30 kids or more :wacko: poor me :ohmy:
I am just wondering how many of us get this anxious sickly feeling when waking or bein woken up ??
also if i haven't had much or any sleep i get real anxious x

14-05-11, 01:42
Hi, Yes, some nights here and there I start awake and get really terrified, wonder if I should phone the doctor or someone and go all trembly and like spacy, then after say 20 mins to an hour will go back to bed again. Other nights I am absolutely fine and wonder what I was thinking about, its very odd.

14-05-11, 02:56
Hi Honeyp1e

I felt like this when my anxiety was at it's height. The stress of thinking about your daughters party will probably be making the anxious feeling worse! Having 30 kids to a 6 year olds party is not a relaxing thought!

Are you taking any medication? Have you tried relaxation tapes/CDs before going to bed? Sounds like it might be worth trying to relax in some way before you go to sleep. I'm on anti-depressants, which were a nightmare at first as they worsened my insomnia, making me even more anxious, but I'm doing fine on them now and sleep quite well usually. I have always liked using relaxation tapes/CDs to help unwind as well, even more so since drinking is out due to the medication.


14-05-11, 03:42
Hi, Yes, some nights here and there I start awake and get really terrified, wonder if I should phone the doctor or someone and go all trembly and like spacy, then after say 20 mins to an hour will go back to bed again. Other nights I am absolutely fine and wonder what I was thinking about, its very odd.

am the same i sometimes just lay there over thinking should i call the doctor/ go the A&E etc then the next night i can be great its strange ain't it x

14-05-11, 04:33
Hi Honeyp1e

I felt like this when my anxiety was at it's height. The stress of thinking about your daughters party will probably be making the anxious feeling worse! Having 30 kids to a 6 year olds party is not a relaxing thought!

Are you taking any medication? Have you tried relaxation tapes/CDs before going to bed? Sounds like it might be worth trying to relax in some way before you go to sleep. I'm on anti-depressants, which were a nightmare at first as they worsened my insomnia, making me even more anxious, but I'm doing fine on them now and sleep quite well usually. I have always liked using relaxation tapes/CDs to help unwind as well, even more so since drinking is out due to the medication.


am not worried about the children as i am ok when am around people its just when am on my own my mind wonders with all the negative thinking etc and all the what if's i just hate early mornings and late at night
i do have relaxation on my Ipod i sometimes listen to x x

14-05-11, 06:30
Hi. When my anxiety is bad (like it is at the moment) I wake up dreading the day and full of anxiety. The most noticable symptom is the butterflies in my tummy. It's awful. :weep:

14-05-11, 07:23
hey all yes i have done that its horriable.But nothing can happy to you with these attaks its just your brain playing tricks so dont worry.x

14-05-11, 16:47
Hi. When my anxiety is bad (like it is at the moment) I wake up dreading the day and full of anxiety. The most noticable symptom is the butterflies in my tummy. It's awful. :weep:

yes this is what i get first the butterfly nervous stomach feeling and palpitations then the thoughts of all the negative things that can happen x

14-05-11, 17:31
I think nights and weekends are worst. My doc in past suggested medication with a sedative effect for night time. Worst thing personally is when Im that anxious not wanting to fall asleep cos i'll have a night mare and I can wake up crying or all upset thinking something has happened. I sleep well but I dont like my dreams, I'm kind of replay either the day thats just happened or tomorrow and the worst thing that could go wrong in tomorrow and freak out. I always dream the worst case scenario.
Only tips avoid alcohol at night because of the depressive effect, exercise more so at night your more tired and likely to fall asleep and another alternative to just sitting awake is either to ring nhs direct, the samiritans or some similar service. If your in the system there are other 24 hour helplines. I always find talking to someone late at night calms me. Hope it helps :)

14-05-11, 20:54
I think nights and weekends are worst. My doc in past suggested medication with a sedative effect for night time. Worst thing personally is when Im that anxious not wanting to fall asleep cos i'll have a night mare and I can wake up crying or all upset thinking something has happened. I sleep well but I dont like my dreams, I'm kind of replay either the day thats just happened or tomorrow and the worst thing that could go wrong in tomorrow and freak out. I always dream the worst case scenario.
Only tips avoid alcohol at night because of the depressive effect, exercise more so at night your more tired and likely to fall asleep and another alternative to just sitting awake is either to ring nhs direct, the samiritans or some similar service. If your in the system there are other 24 hour helplines. I always find talking to someone late at night calms me. Hope it helps :)

I am the same i worry so much about what has happened or what may happen tomorrow etc.... i dread the night time & when the night is here i try my best to stay awake as long as i can at least past 2am then i will fall asleep cos if fall asleep early then i wake up in the middle of the night all anxious but lately i have been falling asleep about 1am and waking at 4-5am i haven't slept later than this time for a while now and i just don't feel tired anymore..
i don't drink alcohol so no worriers there xx

15-05-11, 19:39
Hi i always wake up with butterflies in my tummy, and the feeling of dread, i have done for years...i really hate it...but i know its all to do with anxiety..:shrug:

15-05-11, 20:02
Night time anxiety is the worst lol, think I should invest in the worlds most comfortable bed and black out curtains..

15-05-11, 20:12
Night time anxiety is the worst lol, think I should invest in the worlds most comfortable bed and black out curtains..

i HATE the nights and always dread them xx

15-05-11, 22:30
I get it when im trying to get to sleep. Some days im fine but when im drifting off, ill have a sudden jolt and have to sit up until i manage to get myself under control again.

16-05-11, 00:51
I wake up feeling like this a lot! It feels like a sort of "internal trembling"?? I'm not sure if its my meds, Sertraline 50mg for four and a half months, or the 7.5mg zopiclone at night. Probably just anxiety.

It's a horrible way to start the day but I usually feel better once I'm up and about.

Haz. x

16-05-11, 01:56
Haz - I had these feelings before I started on Sertraline and thankfully it wore off after a month or so of starting the tablets. I actually think the Sertraline stopped it when it started working effectively, or maybe it was just down to a general lessening of anxiety as I got better. Either way I'm pleased it went, I know how awful it is.

Honeyp1e - Are you on any meds? Would it be worth seeing if there is anything the doc could give you for night time? I dreaded sleep so much when I had it I used to stay in the lounge with the night time telly programmes on, knowing I would probably fall asleep now and again. I kidded myself I would be able to watch the programmes as sleep was too scary to contemplate. I think it helped a bit for a while - not actually trying consciously to sleep but nodding off a little anyway. I know some people go to sleep with music on, but I found the TV more distracting until I got into a relaxation CD.


17-05-11, 12:15
Haz - I had these feelings before I started on Sertraline and thankfully it wore off after a month or so of starting the tablets. I actually think the Sertraline stopped it when it started working effectively, or maybe it was just down to a general lessening of anxiety as I got better. Either way I'm pleased it went, I know how awful it is.

Honeyp1e - Are you on any meds? Would it be worth seeing if there is anything the doc could give you for night time? I dreaded sleep so much when I had it I used to stay in the lounge with the night time telly programmes on, knowing I would probably fall asleep now and again. I kidded myself I would be able to watch the programmes as sleep was too scary to contemplate. I think it helped a bit for a while - not actually trying consciously to sleep but nodding off a little anyway. I know some people go to sleep with music on, but I found the TV more distracting until I got into a relaxation CD.


hi i used to be worse of a night but once i started citalopram about 8weeks ago am not as bad i still sleep downstairs like you just said about watching the tv till i finally fall off to sleep its like i have a phobia of my bed ??

17-05-11, 14:19
Hi there
I dont like the morfnings that is when my anxiety is at its worst some mornings and I dread opening my eyes
I dont have any problem in a night I can go to sleep with no problems I just have to hope that I stay a sleep.
Anxiety I would not give it to my worst enemy.


17-05-11, 21:49
You sound like me!
Its all in my mind and i used to wake up about 1-2 hours after falling asleep in a full blown panic attack! It was like it started in my sleep and woke me up suddenly. I found that sipping natural calming tea AS SOON as I wake up inthr night helps me. I get to sleep quicker and its a calmer atmosphere because your minds focusing on making the tea!

I also found manitains a VERY strict sleepinv ritual helped. I shut my eyes at 9.30 exactly! Not even a minute out! Hope it helps x

Tasha. Age 16 x

17-05-11, 22:04
Anxiety nightmares now thats a completely different ball game... The amount of times I woken up crying not so much now all in the past. Sometimes dreams are that real i don't know what actually happened, its all part of repeating the last day or stressing about next day mixed in with your worst fears sometimes. It doesnt matter what a doctor gives you, you cant stop dreaming things you dont want to.

11-06-11, 13:56
Has anyone got any suggestions on how to make morning and afternoon anxiety less, er, horrible

thin ice
11-06-11, 14:51
i always wake up with really bad anxiety or a panic attack, it seems to ease off as the day goes on.

i think my oversleeping has something to do with it.

thin ice
11-06-11, 14:52
Has anyone got any suggestions on how to make morning and afternoon anxiety less, er, horrible

only thing i can think of is no caffeine (so no coffee,tea and certain fizzy drinks)