View Full Version : Racing heart :(

14-05-11, 01:55
Hi :(
Im here yet again as I'm in bed and my heart is weird again, feels like it's beating in jelly and it's racing a bit.
Scared. . Very scared :(

14-05-11, 02:01
Feel light headed now to :weep:

14-05-11, 15:52
I get that as well. Had it last night while out. It disables me completely

14-05-11, 19:08
Hi Linda, I get this all the time when im in bed, its awful, Heart just races for no reason at all,even when im not feeling particularly anxious. I try and get myself to sleep by patting my chest with what I think should be a normal rate, if that makes sense, Its bloody frightening and it turns into a vicious circle because the more you become aware of it,the worse it gets. You are not alone xxx

14-05-11, 19:39
thanks for the replies :) its very much appreciated!!

Every time this has happened it has frightened me so much, even though i know deep down that no one has died from this, when it happens im so convinced that this it for me and even if i tell myself its happened before and of course i was fine etc it makes no difference at all :(
WHY WHY WHY when im alseep, relaxed in a nice enviroment would this keep happening?? Thats another thing i cant understand, i know anxiety can strike at any time in any relaxed situation but when its happening its not anxiety, its something awful that will either kill me or its the start of some degenerative disease.
AND why would it not only feel like its going a bit too fast would it feel like my heart is beating in a bowl of jelly????? That terrifies me too so much, cant be normal can it?????

L x

21-06-11, 02:01
It's happening again!!
I'm in bed, was woken with hard shaky heart eat and woozienes :( oh not again :(