View Full Version : is cbt right for me??

14-05-11, 10:24

I had my initial assessment with a primary care mental health worker a couple of weeks ago, he said i have GAD and health anxiety and that i could have 6 sessions of cbt initially then he would review my progress.

I have had cbt a few years ago and found it beneficial but discharged myself after about 4 sessions as i thought i was fine. Years later the anxiety came back with a vengeance so i sought help when i finally gave up hope of sorting this out myself.

problem is i learned all the cbt stuff before and i have really tried to reprogramme my thoughts over a few years and it doesnt work with me. He sent me a health anxiety booklet which is really good. It identifies my main problem as being one of avoidance, and gives ways of self-help - ive been doing that for years and it doesnt work with me. I know that my thoughts are exagerrated and probably unwarrented, but no matter how much i tell myeslf this i cant change my thought process

I wonder do you think CBT is the right thing for me?? I suppose i should just give it a go and hope the therapist realises that maybe i need a different approach

I would appreciate any advice xx

14-05-11, 12:25
you wont know for sure till you try it i think
try it worth a try god bless

macc noodle
14-05-11, 15:31
Hi Debs,

I would give it a go - I have just had an assessment and been referred for 16 sessions!!!!(maximum is 18 on NHS in our area). I had some CBT about 16 years ago and it worked very well for me but then about 18 months ago my health anxiety came crashing back into my life making me quite useless and miserable with relentless symptoms and crushing panic.

At my assessment I was like you - of the opinion that what was the point since the strategies I had learned 16 years ago were deserting me now and not being of any help !
The psychologist explained that the important thing is to relearn patterns of behaviour which help you eradicate the health anxiety for good - well I am a sucker for a happy ending - so I am going to give it a go!

Nothing to lose at all and potentially everything to gain.

Good luck and hope it helps


16-05-11, 16:52
thanks guys, yes i will definatly give it a go, im just not feeling confident about it yet, i'm also worried how i will feel when i come off propanalol cos i feel so much better on them and i am taking half what the doc told me to take, i dont want to rely on meds