View Full Version : I'm Laura, not ashamed to say life is hard sometimes :-)

14-05-11, 17:50
Hi all, just want to introduce myself to you all.

My name is Laura, and I have come here for some support and to see anyone feels like I do.

I am a very lucky person, and after a slightly hard start in life have a lovely job, partner, house and family, but sometimes I feel very overwhelmed by seemingly small things. Looking back I have always suffered anxiety in different forms, but it is only now I am facing it head on.

I am a self employed beauty therapist, and trained journalist, I write for a magazine evry month. I live in Southampton with my partner and two kittens Bella and Louie, who keep us entertained :-)

I hope I can offer some help to you guys as well in the future,

Laura x

14-05-11, 17:52
Hi Laurabelle

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-05-11, 17:56
Hey Laura :welcome: Congrats on everything you have achieved :)
Im sure any support you need will be given, people seem to be very friendly on this site :)

14-05-11, 18:08
Hiya Laurabelle

Welcome, like your introduction. I can relate to you. How you feeling at the moment?


14-05-11, 18:13
Aww thanks guys. Spidergirl, thanks for asking. I am in between feeling on top of the world, and like it is going to end at the same time, if that makes any sense :-S I Passed my driving test Wednesday which has been tremendously stressful, and I should be totally over the moon, but now I feel like the panic isn't over, now there are more things to be scared of, and I wish I could feel really happy about it, but it's very daunting. I have just posted in the anxiety thread with the full story. Day to day I am coping fine. No one else knows about how I feel, I don't know if anyone would understand. But I don't want to hide from it any more, time to face up and grow a pair :-)